
Wertpaper Profil WKN ISIN graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpaper Profil WKN ISIN graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

After the start of August 2024, it started for 12 Euro and is a powerful tool for the E.ON promotion (ISIN: DE000ENAG999) which has been on the market since 2024 from 11.70 Euro to 13.40 Euro after the sale. Zuletzt beflügelten positive Halbjahreszahlen and the Bestätigung des Ausblickes the Aktienkurs, der nunmehr mit 13,70 Euro am Jahreshochoch notiert.

When E.ON’s market comes to market, the Goldman Sachs expert is rewarded with an amount of 17 to 17.50 euros. Purchase inspection for the Action. Can the action start in the following week with a purchase of more than 5 euros for an amount of 14.40 euros, then long products are produced that are broken down.

Call options with Strike from 14 Euro

The HVB-Call-Optionsschein on the E.ON-Action with Basic price 14 Euro, Order 18.12.24, BV 1, ISIN: DE000HC30TE5, was purchased at E.ON-Aktienkurs from 13.70 Euro with 0.42 – 0.43 Euro traded.

There is a domestic contract with a price of € 14.40, then the price for calls on a jetty of € 0.73 (+70 euros) is paid.

Open End Turbo Call with base price and KO market from 13,017 Euro

The UBS Open End Turbo Call on the E.ON promotion with basic price and KO mark for 13.017 Euro, BV 1, ISIN: DE000UP06J85, was for E.ON course of 13.70 Euro with 0.68 – 0.69 Euro taxi.

If the E.ON-Action is at 14.40 Euro in the next period, the inner value of Turbo-Calls will be at 1.38 Euro (+100 percent) – if the E.ON-Action is no longer on the market KO-Marketing or Darunter Fallt.

Open End Turbo Call with base price and KO market from 12,502 Euro

The Morgan Stanley Open End Turbo Call on the E.ON action with base price and KO market for 12,502 Euro, BV 1, ISIN: DE000MJ0BD62, was for E.ON price of 13.70 Euro with 1.17 – 1.18 Euro quotient.

If you receive an E.ON promotion of 14.40 Euro, the price of Turbo Calls will be found at 1.89 Euro (+60 Percent).

This Beitrag states that no recommendation is made for the purchase or sale of E.ON-Aktien or of Lever products on E.ON-Aktien. No transfer of ownership is possible for the direction of the data.

Walter Kozubek