
Polizei sucht Zeugen: Diebe brechen in Freudenstadt Hotel ein – Freudenstadt & Umgebung

Polizei sucht Zeugen: Diebe brechen in Freudenstadt Hotel ein – Freudenstadt & Umgebung

Polizei sucht Zeugen: Diebe brechen in Freudenstädter Hotel ein

Einbrecher powers in a Hotel Beute. (Symbol image). Photo: dpa

I made a new journey tomorrow to a hotel in Freudenstadt and had a new four-person involvement.

After the time of Sachstand, the period between Midnight and 6 o’clock was covered by a window in the interior of the Oberdorfstraße and buildings.

Moreover, the financial aspects become more valuable than financial resources.

Sows that have noticed suspicious persons or vehicles in this situation have been bitten, please contact the Freudenstadt Police on telephone number 07441 536-311 to report.