
Negotiations a new orientation value in the right direction

Negotiations a new orientation value in the right direction

Bochum/Berlin. The Verband Medizinischer Fachberufe (vmf) said that it was about the financing of the financing of the ambulant versorgung, was the Berücksichting der Tarifsteigerungen voor de Medizinischen Fachangestellten (MFA) commitment – ​​here is a Einiging in Sicht, wie is in een Verbandsmitteilung vom Mont ag heisst.

Hannelore König, ihres Zeichens vmf-Präsidentin, begrüßt die Entwicklung: „It is positive, that the results are 7.4 years positive, that we have lived for MFA in these years, not with two years of care in the orientation process and.“ Sie warn you: “There is no transparent and fully-fledged financing of the MFA rates. The personal costs are the ‘technical achievements’ and these photos now approx. 40 percent of the total financing. It became a fact that the legal advertising would continue to be provided by the physicians’ practices of the clinics, health centers and health insurance companies. If you are sure that the financial security and the offer in practice are based on the source of financing in general health care, this legal tender is required.

Gehaltsdifferentenzen führen zum MFA-Exodus aus den Praxen

The great advantage of the disastrous commotion that the social change has in the entire health insurance, the Federal Agency for Work in the past year has earned a gross profit of 4,398 euros in full time. MFA costs 2,899 euros and costs 52 percent. Self-employed people in health care have with 3,552 euros 22 percent higher than MFA. All three consequences have a threefold representation and were paid from the Money of the insurers. These large differences can occur at higher stress levels, while more MFAs are in their position to increase the general welfare”, warned Koning for a personal situation in practice.

It is possible that the management of the MFA activities will continue over the years, increasing the rates and the MFA. Make sure that the personal costs of the professional costs are not offset by the technical issues that can be investigated, but that the game management for a fair equipment for your practice teams, the design of the vmf. “We will look at a vollumfängliche of the rates of the MFA-Gehälter in the financing of the financing agreements and a fair lawtbewerb in the general economy,” says Königs Plädoyer. (low tide)