
Schmierereien am Parlament – Debatte über Sicherheit am Landtag nach Gaza-Parolen – Politik

Schmierereien am Parlament – Debatte über Sicherheit am Landtag nach Gaza-Parolen – Politik

Hannover (dpa/lni) – After the Islamist smears at the Landtag buildings, the state policy in Lower Saxony is a suspension of security measures. “We think of it differently from other people as regulatory bag controls,” says SPD parliamentary group leader Grant Hendrik Tonne. A look at the Greenpeace protest and the Landtags that took place a year ago said: “The victims who no longer see the Vorfälle can make video recordings and limit the introduction of minims. What is this, it is a sober and clear reaction of the state to a single Straftaten action. “

The wiedereinführung of a bank, while the CDU continues, lehnte ton hinges ab. Neither the Action of Greenpeace nor the Schierereien could be prevented by a bannmeile, as there is. Dieser Vorschlag tragedy daher nicht zur Lösung bei.

The SPD faction leader will do this, even though the certainty on the map itself is in the Blik op his next. “So we must be sure that the female and female workers of all factions stand on the ground of our Constitution. Democracy has lost nothing in the House of Democracy,” Tonne said.

CDU advocates Bannmeile and Rund-um-die-Uhr-Schutz

The Landtag in Hannover, the sogenannte Leineschloss, war in the Night for a Tag of crimes Tür am Samstag unter alles mit der Parole “Free Gaza” beschmiert beschmiert. The police hold the tracks and the ermittlungen have disappeared. The Parolen would occur. Zum Tag der crimes Tür kamen trotz des Vorfalls rund 12,000 Besucherinnen und Besucher.

CDU opposition leader Sebastian Lechner ensured that the Red Greens drew up a new Security Concept for parliament after the 2011 elections. While you watch a Bannmeile video and see a rund-um-die-Uhr-Schutz, a Landtag is that schützen, says er.

The Co-Faction Leader of the Greens, Detlev Schulz-Hendel, was an expert and a man who became “in common with the consequences of his security measures”. The object protection must be a country tag. All things considered, the man himself is “of sollchen Angriffen das Konzept eines grundsätzlich offenen Hauses nicht kaputt machen” lassen.

Anti-Semitism campaigner is the boss of Gaza-Parolen

Lower Saxony’s anti-Semitism campaigner Gerhard Wegner responded to the Islamist slogans with ‘Free Gaza’, which brought a country tag. In Deutschland see black Platz für Kritik an der Politik der jetzigen Regierung des Staates Israel. “It is a legitimate path. An öffentliches demokratischs Organ Deutschlands anzugreifen, wie in diesem Fall, ist es jedoch nicht,” said Wegner.

Particularly with regard to the nature of the country’s peace treaty, it is important to have access to Hamas-Dreiecks. “That Hamas is completely prohibited by law in Germany. Because of this, the Nutzung ihrer Symbole verboten signal und zur Anzeige were brought,” said Wegner.

On October 7, 2023, terrorists from Hamas and other extremist organizations captured more than 1,200 people in Israel and expelled 250 people as Geiseln in Gaza.

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