
Deutsche since open für digital Gesundheitsangebote

Deutsche since open für digital Gesundheitsangebote

EY Digital Health Study

Robert Klatt

Digital Health can encompass German healthcare. An Umfrage has examined the acceptance of new technologies in Germany.

Stuttgart (Germany). Digital Health is a new study of the medical and digital technology of the healthcare connecting organization. Here unused information and communication technologies are used, which makes medical services easier, diagnoses are made and individual actions are carried out. In Germany, the typical application of Digital Health is among telemedicine, mobile devices of vital employees are new means of communication, health insurance and patient involvement.

A study by Ernst & Young (EY) that followed the acceptance of Digital Health in the investigation of the sick insurance companies. A large part of the fragments (66 %) are gegenüber the new digital Leistungen or set up, when these were actively offered by a doctor or their health insurance company (KK). Only small parts lead digital health insurances categorically off (20 %) or favor them (16 %). Most other fragments are hinged, it is a digital or analog technique or a caring bone trade.

Bekanntheit von Digital Health in Germany

The big question is whether the cooperation with Digital Health is worth starting in Germany. Now that a part of the expenditure (35%) knows digital postfach, it is a fact that it is a test of the Angebot of Digital Health in Germany. Also the digital prevention of the gesetzliche krankenkassen in the Bundesrepublik can go up (16%).

“The Spannungsfeld field offers a large-scale offensive of the most secure and smaller opportunities and useful digital care offers that see how the ergennisse and the urgent treatment threats work.”

The analysts of EY have kept an eye on the little analysis of Digital Health about the situation in the health care system. There are many best results in manchen Fachgebieten and at Hausärzten in some large regions, which were able to close most of the digital Offers.

“If the patients are no longer benefited from digitalization, they can still cope with increasing costs for that system after improving health and safety.”

Disruption by gesetzliche Krankenkassen

The fragments are clear, but it is clear that the Digital Health support has been treated during your statutory health insurance. A large part of it is one of the KK individual care offerbots (87%), which respond to health issues (71%) and as a “lot” in the health system rises to the top, exchanging speaking offers (59%). A large number of insurers assume that this is separate, while KK pays for the health services purely independently (96%).

„Das Vertrauen, das Ihnen die Versicherten damit entgegenbringen, sollten de Krankenkassen treasures and the desired roles also in their own sinne ausfüllen. Digital Angebote und Plattformen eröffnen dabei versprechende Möglichkeiten.”

Electronic Patient Certificate (ePA) and Co.

The lower limit is the acceptance of the electronic patient certificate (ePA) with the set security level. If you view a smaller portion of the time, the ePA, which will be automatically activated in 2025, will be disabled (13%). Half of the components can no longer reduce the ePA and your function (57%).

“With the potential digital services and the possibilities you have, it is the right product choice for a marketing tool – both based on a data analysis and an analysis of the individual representation of the individual jewelry structure.”