
Bombing attack in Cologne: Police suspect Mocro-mafia

Bombing attack in Cologne: Police suspect Mocro-mafia

COLOGNE. After the Sprengstoffanschlag in the Cologne inner city the Staatsanwaltschaft began, the family of the Mocro-Mafia began with what they did. Tomorrow morning there is an explosion at the entrance of the nightclubs „Vanity Club Cologne“. The greatest part of a man, a game of the clubs, can easily be injured.

A family room has the Anschlag-fest: There is to see how a person, dressed in a black and white jacket and with a deeply insicht sucked cap, runs to the entrance of the clubs and then removes something. The trade in food is one of the cans.

Kurz searches the person in his bag, sees a Brandsatz-hervor, zündet in a hand in the blaze of the whole situation. Anschließend that person flees.

Müllcontainer bewahrte Mitarbeiter vor Letzungen

In the last part of the picture it is a matter of nightclubs that you see. When you pay attention it is a matter of the roast and it is not possible to keep an eye on the situation.

Plötzlich erupts a ghastly explosion in the entrance area. If you throw the flame in the direction of the Mitarbeiters, the glücklicherweise is not a large Müllcontainer aufhält.

Möglicherweise awaits death for schwereren Verletzungen. After a message from Image-Zeitung erlitt is een Hörsturz und wird derzeit in der Kölner Uniklinik discussed.

Anschläge in Nordrhein-Westfalen häufen sich

In most Vergangenheit in North Rhine-Westphalia there is more time for Sprengstoffanschläge and Attentate auf Cafés, Wohn- and Geschäftshäuser gegeben. The police work, it is a retaliation action in the Drug Mafia Environmental Trade. If you the Diebstahl a larger amount of cannabis from a Lagerhalle in Hürth vermutet.

In June I paid attention to a fire set in a café in Solingen, nice people and self-confident people. Das Café is an Arab Großfamilie. Two years ago he said he had received an anti-clan raid.

Mocro-mafia is active in Germany

In August we will be able to share more information about living rooms in Kölner Stadtteil Zündorf. The police are vermut, which is one of the innermost areas of the clan-military trade. Also in Düsseldorf, Engelskirchen and Duisburg you can find different places. A Geiselnahme in Köln-Rodenkirchen has fallen with the Mocro mafia in the Verbindung Stehen.

While the Mocro-mafia-mafia started shifting new countries and Belgian Drogenbanden, the Line of Persons with Roots died in North African states in Morocco. There are a number of years in which these gangs in their activities in Germany are expanded in Germany. (pound)