
Two areas for community development are identified

Two areas for community development are identified

The City of Cloppenburg must have a municipal warming plan, the Treibhausgase is reduced. Two areas are identified for the connection and a warm climate.

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Clogs – The city of Cloppenburg was founded by a housing company, a municipal heating plan. The soul is a reduction of the treibhausgase. The time will quickly do the complete heating requirement in the district city by covered by earth gas after the city administration. It is as good as it goes. “The energy requirement for electricity and heat/cold in the city area is covered to 100% from renewable energy storage”, is called in 2022 by the rat closed climate protection leitziels “Energy transition until 2040”. What energy elements there are, is the discharge and the expansion of the energy transition, the remediation of stock management and the efficiency of industrial processes.

Exceptional day

On that day, 17. September, at 18 o’clock in the Town Hall, the climate protection and nature of the communal heat planning began. Then in Cloppenburg two areas for the connection and a heat network are located. For one, an area is in the inner city, for others in the industrial area Emstekerfeld. It may be that you can no longer use your power. For the large urban areas, these discharges with hot water pumps and biomass heating are favored. The joint heat planning is based on the planning for the citizens, for all matters in the area of ​​the Fern-/Nahwärme. Private housing is responsible for about 35 percent of the CO2 emissions, Industry and production for 53.9 percent.

City center

The potential area in the Innenstadt includes the parts of Hagenstraße, Bahnhofstraße, Pingel-Anton, Lange Straße, Eschstraße with Kreishaus and Mühlenstraße, including the Sankt-Josefs-Hospital. Make sure you are in Quartier 237 Private and public buildings. If the warming function is used by the Abwasser of the Klaranlage, it will be damaged. An analysis can be carried out, a large water pump is used. The Spitzenlast, where the stewing time and the cold tests are used, the biomass (for example, with wood pellets, heating facility and/or biogas) can be covered. The hospital has a high biogas installation from Molbergen with warm supplies.

Industrial area

The great potential of the area for a hot spring is the part of the industrial areas in Emstekerfeld. The 138 buildings (43% of which are trade and industry) are located in the essential area at Werner Eckart-Ring, Alten Emsteker Weg, at Industriezubringer and Lankumer Ring. In the potential analysis, the Emsland Food enterprise is identified as food. Possibly consists of a Leitung für Abwärme from village to Soestebad. A large part of the hot springs in the common area can be covered by the industrial heat and heat pumps. The rest of the heat, the heat and the heat required to cover the biomass can be used.

11,504 Date of Birth

In Cloppenburg we built 11,504 buildings. This means that 6442 buildings (56 %) can be heated with air heat pumps, 3185 (27.7 %) with water heat pumps, 1504 (13.1 %) with biomass and 373 (3.2 %) with natural gas/heat pumps. If this situation occurs, gas emissions (CO2) are reduced by up to 94 percent.