
FCN: Proud new tactic: The club can solve the problem | Sports

FCN: Proud new tactic: The club can solve the problem | Sports

Will the Club come to life from Fleck?

With a lucky 2:1 victory in Ulm, the FCN was able to achieve a few goals (ball attack, goal kick, run-up) which were heavily overshadowed by the weeks before. If you have a general impression, this is not yet the case. The best trainer Miroslav Klose (46) with the system of a three-fold training for everything in the game played with a ball. The problem occurs after the problems have been solved and the seasons have become offensive.

► Flight delay!

Black match of the Club with 116 Kilometers against Ulm, certainly more than in the 0:4-Pleite against Magdeburg (106 Kilometers). There is an important littler if der Gegner. Were they neither Magdeburg nor sechs Kilometer Defizit, Ulm therefore still sieben Kilometer more as the FCN ab.

With the Aufstellung von Benjamin Goller (25) and Dustin Forkel (19) on the Außenbahnen wolllte Klose in Ulm fell Tiefenläufe sehen. But these fanden nicht statt. Klose: “I wanted more variations and production stations.”

Now there are more than 110 kilometers of the game in the club after having fun playing games with the winning team of the league.

Reif is live from 16.09.24Back of Super-Bayern?

Reif is live from 16.09.24: Rückkehr der Super-Bayern?

Source: BILD

Closing date!

At the point when Torgefahr saw it, it wasn’t noticeable. The Club gibt bislang indeutig zu wenig Schüsse ab. In Ulm the insgesamt 15 Torversuche zwar bisheriger FCN-Bestwert in dieser Saison. This is where the German Mannschaft ends up under the Liga-Schnitt. With insgesamt 50 Torschüssen ist der FCN Zweitliga-Schlusslicht. The club often has different ideas. Close as follows: “We are deeply moved and fearful.”

Card crap!

In Ulm the club is funfmal Gelb and finally Rot. With 16 cards in the Spielzeit (14-mal yellow and two Platzverweise), the FCN is Karten-Spitzenreiter of the League. Schon in der Vergangen Saison were the Franks with insgesamt 84 Karten “Ligaspitze”. Remove the zipper and remove the unsuitable swimming lessons, see below.

Conclusion about the Saisonstart: “If we have clear analyzes and answers, we will write more about it after reading our comments.”