
Thierry Breton loses Machtkampf against Ursula von der Leyen

Thierry Breton loses Machtkampf against Ursula von der Leyen

«House of Cards» in Brussels: Von der Leyen completely his own powerful rivals – they would leave a Stinkbombe

The power of EU Commissioner Thierry Breton from France is among others chef Ursula von der Leyen and other people. Nun tritt is with a bang back. Sein Vorwurf: The EU Commission President enjoyed in Paris.

Au revoir: Thierry Breton hat den Machtkampf has lost chef Ursula von der Leyen.

Au revoir: Thierry Breton hat den Machtkampf has lost chef Ursula von der Leyen.

Photo: Olivier Hoslet/EPA (Brussels, 5. 3. 2024)

There is a personal approach of Thierry Bretons who has done an investigation, but the man is no longer like that: The French EU Commissioner does not know what the hint is. There is a hint given about a certain policy that is being conducted by the chef of the EU-Kommissions by Ursula von der Leyen.

In the morning on the internet platform «X» (from «Twitter») publishes Rücktrittsschreiben guilty of der Leyen, behind his Rücken in Paris intrigues zu haben. There, the president of Emmanuel Macron, who has experienced a new American war, is so valuable. Van der Leyen is “out of personal gründen”, which is not intended with direct instructions, in the minute that the blessing is interrupted. If the “political bull trade” in Paris is one of the most important files in the new EU Commission, so Breton.

Zum Schluss comes nor a stink bomb: Dieser Vorgang sei in “weiteres des fragwürdigen Führungsverhaltens” van der Leyens. As Kleinen Witz, neither a photo nor a photo was posted with the caption: “Breaking News: My official Porträt for the new Office of the EU Commission.”

Gilded in the EU Commission: You can now be a Chef

It is true: Franzosen’s power and the Leyen war will last longer.

In Brussels it is a violation of the Secret that Breton himself has the Gefühl-hatte, in the fight against the EU-Kommissionspräsident zu sein. The role of the EU-Internal Market and Industry Commissioner is an offensive and acts with great self-reliance.

When the CEO of French IT company Atos started working with the chefs of the big American tech firms in Silicon Valley in depth, he was confused: the rate was expensive.

That never went well. When Tesla boss Elon Musk starts talks with US presidential candidate Donald Trump, he will not make a single comment about his answer: “Fuck your own face!”. A Satz, the German umbrella organization, can save itself.

Paris read Breton cases, continue with more Einfluss – so beht Politik

On other pages Ursula van de Leyen is a chairwoman who has everything under control and thus works in micromanagement. Someone with the geltungsdrang and the gestaltungswillen of Thierry Breton is not as good as he is.

Das Fass zum Überlaufen brought a mutmassliche kommissionsinterner Aufstand, the Breton in April gegen von der Leyen anführte. It is a new attempt to post such as KMU-Verantlicher, while the CDU police have a party-like hat. Bretonse setzte mithilfe de EU-Parlaments durch, dieser seinen Job nicht antreten dared, en genoss seinen Triumph looks good. Jetzt combs the Retourkutsche, and von der Leyen, who completes his rivals.

Was the background of Paris for a role play, is not clear. If the chairman of the EU Commission can leave the official candidates of the Middle East countries, this is an exclusion. Folglich Breton would no longer be of the Leyen, among the fallen Macron cases. Macron has named the appointment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane to a stay after the appointment.

So who’s aussieht hat Macron das Angebot von der Leyens says: more Einfluss in the Gegenzug for the Rückzug Bretons. Und wer weiss: In Frankreich find diese Woche die Regierungsbildung statt. It is nothing more than a ministerial post for Monsieur Breton.

An exciting episode of the French episode is about a light story, who fell for the Leyen at the time the new team came together. Most EU member states have become a woman, but a man-jewel is one of the fraudsters who has wrongly treated the Candidates.

Statt een geschlechtermässig ausgeglichenen EU Kommission dürfte es nun af een voorwiedenden Männerklub hinauslaufen. If the EU Parliament loses the social democracies, the EU Commission will fall with chickens from the Leyen and give the Meloni-Vertrauten Raffaele Fitto another position.

Conclusion: In Brussels the travel phase is no longer.