
Acht Monate nach Wintersport-Eklat: Ski-Olympiasieger stht vor Rückkehr

Acht Monate nach Wintersport-Eklat: Ski-Olympiasieger stht vor Rückkehr

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In January, Matthias Mayer’s Ski Olympiad is one of the best Ski Olympiads – en tauchte ab. Now we’ll take a break and take the time to get back to you.

Kitzbühel – Matthias Mayer, the leading Ski Olympiad, who has spent a turbulent year in skiing. Mayer, who is interested in receiving Gold Medals in Sochi 2014, Pyeongchang 2018 and Beijing 2022, will be joining the Austrian Ski Association (ÖSV) in December 2022. If you make a trip for Schlagzeilen in January 2024, you can go to an Empfang at the Hotel Kitzhof in Kitzbühel.

Ski-Star Mayer sorts for Eklat – and is checked into the clinic

Während een Empfangs der Landeshauptfrau von Niederösterreich, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, sorgte Maye für Eklat. Augenzeugen messages, dating from 34 years auf a Stuhl steg, laut schrie, Guest made and Rotwein schüttetete. The situation has escalated, security must be increased and the police will leave the triple Olympiad.

Dieser Vorfall war nicht der first signaler Art. The war in recent years took longer before the actions were carried out. Bereits am Abend is where the infamous Schauspieler Arnold Schwarzenegger gets to work in the Stanglwirt. Solche Ausbrüche führten dazu, dass Mayer in een Klinik eingewiesen wurde, wo er meer Monate in Behandlung war.

Matthias Mayer made a mistake in January in Stanglwird in Going – after Kitzbühel.
Matthias Mayer made a mistake in January in Stanglwird in Going – after Kitzbühel. © Montage: dpa

Wintersport-Star Mayer nach Eklat im Januar zurück im Ski-Zirkus

The treatment is intended to deprive Wirkung and Mayer of a path to skiing. In July there are a few training courses for the ski clubs of Gerlitzen on the Stilfserjoch. This is absolutely a theoretical trainer training and can start the Speed-Nachwuchscamps of Ski Austria.

The factory of the Austrian Ski Association, Mayer as a support for the welfare of the world in Saalbach-Hinterglemm. Bartl Gensbichler, a Schlüsself figure from WM-Vorbereitungen, said positively about Mayer’s Rückkehr: “Matthias had interpreted his Botschafter-Rolle in a boldly herausragender manner and with his zest for the Zwischenfall in Kitzbühel. If I don’t know what I’ve done, the truth is, it’s great therapy.” (msb)