
Saarstahl Chef: “The Federal Government lasts forever”

Saarstahl Chef: “The Federal Government lasts forever”

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Saarstahl-Chef: “The Federal Government is not in control of the job”

Saarstahl chief Stefan Rauber (Mitte) and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne, hinting)

Were who here End of 2023 am Montag beim sogenannten Stahlgipfel wieder sisterammentreffen: Saarstahl-Chef Stefan Rauber (Mitte) and Economic Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne, hinten)

© dpa / Oliver Dietze / Picture Alliance

In Duisburg there is the “National Stahlgipfel”. With help: Stefan Rauber, chef of the Dillinger Hütte and von Saarstahl. There is a great Jobs-trotz Milliarden-Subvention.

It is an original version of Marke Capital. This article is displayed in the background of the for Verfügung. Then you will find more information on Capital heard how the stern to RTL Deutschland.

In Saarland, the modern and sustainable steelworks of the world are important. In 2027, the gray steel pile will be restored, 3.5 million tons after complete processing, quickly releasing 5 million tons more CO2 into the air. The SHS Holding, the fourth largest construction company in Germany, has received 2.6 billion euros from the State for Transformation. Beef a million woolen that you can invest yourself. During the last few years there were rings and concerns – after the Federal Administrative Court for the Financing of the Climate and Transformation Fund was completed.

Herr Rauber, you are a Förderzusage von 2.6 Mrd in January. Euro for the environment of the saarland steel industries. Who can do this?
The work in the field of work in Dillingen and Völklingen can be carried out and planned. The new analyses are no longer carried out and must be carried out on a solid foundation. My Grunde quickly made a new steelwork, where Wasserstoff left Kohle and Koks. Electrical equipment and a direct processing facility are carried out to a high degree. In October I started, the addition for the construction of these large-scale facilities was obtained. Then we have already given out two thirds of our support cells. If a green steel production takes place, this can only take a few more years.

They had a relationship with the Federal Government. Woher rührt der Frust?
The power of the Federal Government in the orbit is no longer dependent on industry. There are no billions of state subsidies for our steelworks, Saarstahl and Dillinger Hütte available. We require basic conditions, the international legal tendering process. If this climate-friendly production is carried out, this will yield the legal tendering and risky tauenende of work sites. The energy-intensive industry has developed a new and international legal tendering industry stream. Damit has planted and promised the hat of Olaf Scholz. But now the Chancellor is not talking. The theme is politically up to date. It is urgently necessary to get on the agenda.

Stefan Rauber is a Vorsitzender of the Geschäftsführung at SHS and chef of the Dillinger Hütte and of Saarstahl. The war of 46 years in the Wirtschaftsministerium des Saarlandes and four years Geschäftsführer of the Montan-Stiftung-Saar, before the Spitze der SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar, wechselte.

Why is that so important?
If both electro-electrics are working at a later stage, then the power consumption doubles at a certain point. Not the company, under the Saarland as a whole. Green steel used a lot of energy – and the costs would be at an internationally legally acceptable level. In the first phase, regional green detergents are used, so the guidelines are written in advance. After one of the previous years had reached a high capacity, it was brought to 120,000 tons in the final phase. Make sure you have an integrated infrastructure. Here you have standby stations. With green hydrogen from the Saarland, there was first a European core network European hydrogen backbone.

Would you like to enjoy regional washing materials?
When we started in France, we could still see the Verbindungsstück on the Pipeline. There is now an image that a citizen initiative generates the Verlauf der Trasse. If we want to put the new gas on gas, Wasserstoff is politically seen. It is a fact that an investigation has been initiated in the Wirtschaftspolitik, the Gefühl, that is the only thing we can do.

Do you not see the opportunity as an opportunity?
There is a great story in the Umbau: ‘We were all green and innovative’. Now in reality, the financing of the steel huts here is one of the first hearts of Sparkurs: We do not save more than 300 years of history of the saarländischen steel industry here. The costs that the rider earned were saved a few times, processes were optimized, everything that happened would be the green steel lawtbewerbsfähig bleiben.

If you are in France with Saarstahl Rail and Saarstahl Ascoval zwei Tochtergesellschaften, the carbon fibers from Grünstahl are restored. If you want the Deutsche Bahn in its green schienen buy. Why is not become?
The DB has become greener. If you have a problem solving your problems, it will be like that. A number of games do not play a role here. This is a Slapstick number. I have felt sorry for every relevant politician in Berlin. I did not hold a candle to it. It is incomprehensible. If a German company in Germany produces more than one million tons of steel and carries out a politically woolen decarbonization operation, this is a small company that is led by the market. On the only Leitmarkt that has completely shaped politics, the Bund is at 100 percent gehört, on the railway of the Schienen-Markt. And that is not the case. Where this is the case: The ball is on the Elfmeterpunkt and the Torwart is no more. But Dimmerweise shoots nil.