
Kick-off on Tuesday: So functional for the new Champions League mode

Kick-off on Tuesday: So functional for the new Champions League mode

Champions League and Co.: You must clear the new mode

Everything new, everything different in the 24/25 European Cup season. blue Sport brings light to Dunkle and explains the new mode in 90 seconds.


The Champions League finds the season in a new mode. Was it ever verächanget sich? blue Sport liefert den Überblick.

So functional in the new Champions League mode

  • 36 teams in the new Champions League mode.
  • In one of the following league phases, consisting of eight games pro team, and all 36 clubs in a table have been played.
  • The eight matches in the league phase are an uninteresting performance.
  • The Top 8 from the League Phase will advance to the Eight Finals.
  • The remaining Achtelfinale places were awarded in the knockout play-offs. A team from rank 9 to 16 will play against a team from rank 17 to 24. Achter- and rugspiel are separated from the Weiterkommen.
  • The results of the knockout play-offs and the matches of the series 25 to 36 separate from the Champions League. A ticket for the Europa League is no longer available.
  • The Eight Count Final will continue in Turnier mode. Hin- en Rückspiel zwischen zweier Teams bis en mit Halbfinals. The Champions League Sieger was crowned in a Final Game.

The Champions League enters a new era this season. The Gruppenfase with 32 ​​Teams is Geschichte. New find a Ligafase with 36 Teamstatt.

In the previous league phase your team beats eight matches, while others have a club there. In the eight best matchdays Team four home and four foreign games.

Top 8 fix in Achtelfinals – letzte Plätze in the knockout play-offs vergeben

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Keystone / Blue Sport

All 36 clubs are shown in a table. The best eight teams after the qualification of the league phase are for the round of 16. The eight matches played were in some knockout play-offs between teams from 9 to 24 years. The teams from the series 25 to 36 separate the wettbewerb.

In the Playoffs, a club from Plätzen 9 to 16 plays against a club from Plätze 17 to 24. A Hin- and a Rückspiel are played. The right to the Rückspiel lies with the best team from the league phase. The qualification for the knockout play-offs takes place in the round of 16 and meets one of the best eight teams from the league phase. For the Playoff Losers, for teams from Rank 25 to 36, the European trip is over. A ticket for the Europa League is no longer available.

Turnier Mode with Hin- and Rückspiel ab Achtelfinal

If the Achtel final takes place, the Turnier mode continues. Achter- en achterspiel zweier Teams, until the final of the last two happy teams in a game with the Henkelpott-kämpfen. The final will take place on 31 May 2025 in Munich statt.

The Turnierbaum is so festive that the two best teams of the league phase play in the last final. A duel of the Top 4 is possible during the semi-final.

The dates of the Champions League 24/25

  • Matchday 1: 17. – 19. September
  • Matchday 2: 1./2. October
  • Matchday 3: 22./23. October
  • Matchday 4: 5/6 November
  • Matchday 5: 26/27 November
  • Matchday 6: 10./11. December
  • Feature film 7: 21./22. January
  • Matchday 8: January 29
  • Knockout play-offs: 11./12. February (Hinspiel) // 18./19. February (Rückspiel)
  • Excluded from Round of 16: February 21

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