
DHDL: Kein Deal and proud Zoff on Kinderbrillen-Pitch

DHDL: Kein Deal and proud Zoff on Kinderbrillen-Pitch

“I hate that as extremely arrogant empfunden,” said Löwin Tijen Onaran. Scharfe Worte über a children’s eyewear startup, which deals with nachhaltigkeit and design legends. But why?

DHDL: Kein Deal and proud Zoff on Kinderbrillen-Pitch

Philippa Koenig and Susann Hoffmann with Maskottchen and Namensgeber “Manni”, a mantis shrimp
RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer

Susann Hoffmann and Philippa Koenig are the founders of Manti Manti, a start-up that has special children’s glasses. In the TV show “Die Höhle der Löwen” (DHDL) you will find everything you are looking for. With my Schlepptau: three children, the models of the children’s glasses on a ski slope and the mascot “Manni”. Manni is a Mantis Shrimp and a name for the company. “The Mantis Shrimp is the best-looking animal in the world”, the founders explain during their appearance. But it was an innocent beginning and ended in a successful discussion with the low Judith Williams and Tijen Onaran. Finally, the founders leave the show without a deal.

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Children’s glasses: Weg vom stigmatisierten Medizinprodukt

Jedes celebrated Child in Germany tragedie eine Brille – Tendenz increasing, so die Gründerinnen in ihrem Pitch. “Wir wollen away from the glasses as stigmatization of the Medizinprodukt, are zum Hingucker,” says Hoffmann. The material? 3D printed and 100 Prozent from the “Wunderbaum” Rizinus, the laut of both Gründerinnen little Wasser braucht and therefore extremely nachhaltig sei. Since July 2023, children’s glasses have been on the market. Hoffmann hated the idea for modern children’s glasses. Hoffmann is one of the feminist Frauenmagazins Edition-F, which will be published in 2021. There may be contact with the inside of the page. And so Hoffmann turned to the question of a co-founder of Lea-Sophie Cramer, founder of the online sex shops Amorelie. Cramer fought with Philippa Koenig, the eight-year CCO in the Amorelie war.

The first feedback from Löwen is positive. Judith Williams wants to say: “You are two of the strongest founders we have”. When the price of a pair of children’s glasses is low, skepticism begins. The glasses cost 198 euros. With glasses, the price starts at 238 euros. “That now belongs to a privileged Soul Group and a gift to Berlin-Prenzlauer-Berg-Vibes”, criticizes Jurorin Tijen Onaran. Williams focuses on broader knowledge and concrete, it is a social enterprise and the Soul Group of another enterprise. Onaran shrugs off the head: “No, I absolutely do not find that”. When one of the most successful discussions are the two jury members, the founders of Manti Manti die out. No one from Löwen can invest more.

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Those Manti Manti-Gründerinnen wish themselves from the Low Power. Nils Glagau started to lose interest, but that is not over. Wöhrl is shocked by the Anzahl and Business-Angels, who are involved in their Unternehmen. 28 When you have a bit of a problem, chaos ensues. Onaran bleibt bei hrem Standpunkt: “My Eltern hätten sich das nicht leisten können.” For the feeling of the Angebot for the whole family. A trotz fell Lob ist op Williams raus. If you’re in the market, this is a piece of cake. “Glasses for the entire family would be better,” said Williams.

This is not the case with Janna Ensthaler. It is likely that it becomes more interesting to buy products. But Ensthaler put the momentary economic growth and the high investments in an investment. Denn die Gründerinnen require 500,000 Euro for 10 Percent of their business. If you start with a market price of 185,000 Euro, there are eight months of Manti Manti in power. For the rest of the years, the Soul is worth 650,000 Euro.

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A bleibenden Eindruck has the two Gründerinnen at the Löwen dennoch underlying welds. The tension between Onaran and Williams stopped, while the Gründerinnen lost the long run. “I am guilty of being extremely arrogant as a result,” says Onaran. Williams put it to the Gründerinnen: “Arrogant fand ich das gar nicht”. Löwin Ensthaler viewed the Streit with his schlicht, schließlich sei Hoffmann as Gründerin von Edition-F but a feminismus-Schwester von Onaran. “If you are a true Feminist, you would be more socially conscious,” replied Onaran daraufhin.

I am connected to a DHDL connection with Manti Manti the Graphit Lifestyle from Austria to start a Franziska career and perform tasks as an investor who win. “We welcome you, dadurch mehr Know-how, Network and Finance and our site to have”, says Hoffmann. Insgesgesamt konnte Manti Manti has carried out its own financing round at a higher level. Other investors do not plan to invest.