
McDonald`s Deutschland: Einstieg in deutschen Fußball “zu früh”

McDonald`s Deutschland: Einstieg in deutschen Fußball “zu früh”

Munich (dts Nachrichtenagentur) – After the Einstieg of McDonald`s as Behalf Sponsor in the high French Fußballliga, der Ligue 1, which has received the German access to the US-Fast-Food-Kette, the Entwicklung sequels are woolen. “If the Entwicklungen in France were established, there would be a better partnership for a partnership in Germany,” says McDonald’s Deutschland-Marketingvorstand Tomasz Debowski in the Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe (Dienstagausgaben).

In Germany, men have another priority in the Aufbau der Marke. “We want to be in the relevant pop culture and a very large franchise-nehmer locally in the small town that is present,” says Debowski.

McDonald`s has chosen France as the name sponsor for the new Season Uber Eats for the Ligue 1. The highest French league is called “Ligue 1 McDonald`s”.

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