
Darum sollten Herzkranke sofort mit de Rauchen aufhören

Darum sollten Herzkranke sofort mit de Rauchen aufhören

If the smokes rise, the risks can be minimized. The gilded part of the human with reweighted value is a new study.

It’s all possible that Rauchen made a healthy choice with his son. “It is possible to have a good understanding, which is not negativ with a visible impact”, reads Ulrich Laufs, Guide to the Wisdom Study of German Herzstiftung und Leiter der Kardiologie at the Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, youngest generation of German Press Agency (dpa).

After the end of the crisis, the Cigarette Tumor, Heart Disease and Sickness Falls can be exacerbated, many people are heavier, with the smoke aufzugönnen. There is a study of the study that was carried out after the diagnosis of a stabilizing coronary heart disease of the risk of risk for heart-kreislauf-ereignisse that a heart attack has significantly reduced. “A stable coronary heart disease has begun, when the heart disease is narrowed by the limescale”, Laufs explains further.

Bei Herzkrankheiten – Rauchstopp kan Risiko für schwerwiegende Herz-Kreislauf-Ereignisse halbieren

In this situation it is “stable” that there is no leakage or a malfunction due to a blockage of the blood vessel. The problem is very that the risks for a single inner pain over the years are a 44-year experience, so that the patient is diagnosed with the rash after the diagnosis.

If all goes well, a reduction in cigarette consumption is not of any significance to the advantage of the power of the power. Especially that the first years after the diagnosis are separated, research engineer Jules Mesnier of the Bichat-Claude Bernard hospital in Paris investigates. Of the part takers, who after the diagnosis of the smoke stopper, 73 percent remained abstinent during that time and thus reduced their risk for heart failure and other rocking heart-circulation honors.

For cardiologist Harm Wienbergen of the Klinikum Links van Weser in Bremen there is no excess, who four times quickly patients after a diagnosis of the Rauchen diagnosis notice: “If there is a shock diagnosis, the motivation, with the Rauchen informed, further. ” It is a large part of health care, patients with a diagnosis state that they can no longer be helped, with the Rauchen on their hearing. If you are verdeutlichen, then your Risk for “severely shaking Honor or Death can be halved”, is Mesnier one of his powerful Botschaft.

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If you are conducting a study in your field and other cardiovascular functions in the education of active smokers, there is no talk of the risk level of smokers, as the study said. Dagegen puts the risks for a rocking vorfälle with a fortified smoke with every other year in the duration of an eight percent. “A heart attack can be a lifelong heart attack and heart failure, that the heart is being attempted in its overall function”, Wienbergen explains.

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If you have a positive effect on the disease, you can lower your risk of other diseases and diabetes in German. Damit Raucher, even if he or she is sick, is able to enjoy the tobacco products well, so that he or she can directly use the surrounding environment, as well as the contents: “The Wahrscheinlichkeit, the person who eats it, with the raw materials, specified damit, is informed about the surrounding environment. “

Make sure you get a drug treatment or a nicotine replacement therapy in the treatment. “I tell my patients that it is too early or too late to hear the smoke,” Mesnier says. “If you have left a patient, it is worth using his heart-circulation risk.”

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The Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) analyzed a study of 32,378 patients in London at the end of August. These were acquired over the course of 6.5 years after the diagnosis of a Korean Herzkrankheit. Von ihnen hatten etwa 41.3 Prozent (beef 13,400 Teilnehmer) not geraucht, fast 46.2 Prozent (etwa 15,000 Teilnehmer) were ehemalige Raucher, and approximately 12.5 Prozent (ungefähr 4,000 Teilnehmer) rauchten weiterhin.

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