
The Klimawandel always offers better temperatures

The Klimawandel always offers better temperatures

Good morning, liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

Wetter is not just wet: Was the People in Austria, Poland, Rumänien and Tschechien gegenwärtig erleben, since no herkömmlichen Herbstgewitter. Die High water discharge is not critical, but auch außergewöhnlich. At least 18 People Since we have come to the flutes during our lives, we have traveled kilometers since we have explored the fields and roads, we’ve been able to enjoy our homes and our homes, we’ve had a great time and we’ve had a great time (more here). “Die Hochwasser, die wir sehen, sind oprückend”, said the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz. “We will be happy, but we can still do it.”

Der Nachsatz lässt aufhorchen: “soweit wir können.” It is not that the mittlerweile is in the new state banks of the EU-Primus’ Deutschland Ebbe herrscht. Politics has played a major role Disaster in the Ahrtal for three years it has been known that strong high water layers have no Seltenheit more since. I am gentle: Extreme weather conditions are becoming the norm. We have never been happy with the region since then, but now we are more happy with it huge damage while cleaning the washing machines. Those little things are Österreicher and Osteuropäer, but there may also be more German ones. Viele haben hierzulande noch das Hochwasser in Süddeutschland Anfang Juni in unheilvoller Erinnerung. Oder das Hochwasser an Weihnachten voor eeninem Jahr in Nordwestdeutschland. Oder, oder, oder…

Man is the intelligent man on Erden (most effort is such a thing). It would take a long time to do this, it is a known error. And even longer, it is a painful reaction. So be it Extremewetter. Glasklar ist mittlerweile: Die verstärkten Niederschläge, die zu de ever häufigeren Überschwemmungen in Mitteleuropa führen, since great tenteils on the people-oriented climate walk back again. The natural game of climate change plays out on a disorderly roll.

A more comprehensive study of the research projects “Clima Meter” said: So a Starkregen that is broadcast in Austria and Eastern Europe is 20 years more intensive than a comparable Unwetter for 25 years. A representative of the Befragung von 1,062 Rural districts, city and community centres in the community centres have the following options: 77 Percent the municipality were affected in the past years by extreme weather conditions or other climate changes – hereafter swollen portion if there is a concept, it is worth carrying out the treatises. All others must rechnen local Starkregen with Schaden or gar a Katastrofenlage.

Someone has talked about the great Tagesan bridge, which primarily made a mirror, nor a few other improvements. If nothing else, you may experience the following. Also, please give me a few more minutes of your attention: 80 Prozent aller CO2 emissions, which were released in 2016 and 2022, stem from 57 Concerts. So the climate protection organization “Influence Map” is wrong. Not one 60 companies are the main causes of the great global crisis! And most people who use the government bonds will not be able to go in the future fewer, deep more CO2 emissions over the years – since 2016, the state governments in the Parisian climates have been lightened, the high gas emissions are being reduced.

Enlargement of the images
Enlargement of the images

Wer since diese 57 Klimasünder? Überwiegend Gas-, Ol- und Kohleförderer anyway Zementhersteller: American companies from the Gulf States, Russia, India and China, dahinter from the US and Great Britain. These Unternehmen have created Milliardengewinne, where Hochwasser and Orkane, Hitzewellen and Dürren, melting Glacier and rising Meeresspiegel that beeinträchtigtigen the lives of Milliarden Menschen. This fatal event must be stopped and people will be in trouble all over the world. They are increasingly used, Vorschrifts zu verschleppen and Schlupflöcher in Gesetzen zu finden.

Enlargement of the images

Now it is possible to race Leute legends: Was it that the Chinese, Russians and the atmosphere are spoiling? Are your governments trying to swing it, more for the climate protection to tun! Other people think that the wind lasts longer, fast is a thing of its own and know: the climate crisis will no longer be finite, if possibly many people with machines – and the pioneers of the process must use the American economies of the Western state, the democratic economies of the best immunity processes, technological innovations and international developments have developed. Was es braucht, ist ein socially responsible consensus, That’s not as bad as the climbing plague. That’s the fast a Umsteuern braucht, proud of all others Krisen of the Ukraine bis zur Wirtschaftsflaute.

Climate protection starts in small places, can be a piece of cake and a step in the right direction. Also Hirn anschalten en Augen auf beim Einkauf, beim Reisen, beim Essen: Not all, was am others The end of the world is restored, right the weiten Transportweg auf a Dampfer bis after Germany. A country here is the Bahn that runs on the margins. This is a good alternative to cars and flights. A new Mahlzeit braucht een Stück Fleisch. It is not true that man feels intelligent when he or she wants to, or?

The CDU and CSU are putting forward a number of candidates, and now it’s a quasi-party: who’s who: The Bundespolitisch Blasse NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst has a good view, Markus Söder white, that is a profile neurotic who does not have a good chance, even now Friedrich Merz. I came to Montag, the Tag nach der Landtagswahl in Brandenburg, soll der CDU-Chef de Parteigremien offiziell as Herausforderer of Kanzler Olaf Scholz empfohlen, my Kollegen Sara Sievert and Julian Alexander Fischer had heraussgefunden. Danach started the Bundestagswahlkampf.

Reinhold Messner on the Gipfel of Mount Everest.Enlargement of the images
Reinhold Messner on the Gipfel of Mount Everest. (Quelle: Reinhold Messner/dpa)

Ganz is one of the best people in the world in the world. As erster Mensch ohne Flaschensauerstoff op dem Mount Everest, gegen urgent ärztlichen Rat. Am 8. May 1978 war, for 46 years. Gemeinsam mit seinem Comrades Peter Habeler war is high cracked. Two years in, it’s still not as simple as that. Wieder a Record. This is continued: A Achttausender nach dem others bezgan there. On October 16, 1986, there was a schließlich on the letzten Supergipfel, on the Everest-Nachbarn Lhotse. Record! Then there are new superlatives: the Antarktis durchqueren, Grönland, die Wüste Gobi. Record in the Series. Von seinen Abenteuern messageete is in ungezählten Vorträgen, Talkshows und fast 100 Büchern. Nature lovers hinge on the Tausenden and the Lippen.


