
Why schwanken that Kakaopreise so grim?

In the year 2024, the Kakaopreis has risen sharply, which means that the price of Chocolate is reached at high speed. Please note that the analysis was done before the spannung.

The most important thing in the round

  • The huge jumps will take place during the fall broadcast.
  • A long period of climate walking is not important.


Most of them have noticed: Schoggi has become a loser. A sinking of the Preise is no longer worth anything in the future.

Is it a little bit chocolate?

Serious fall treiben die Preise

The most important Erzeugerländer for Kakaobohnen are both the West African Länder Ghana and the Elfenbeinkte. Gemeinsam produces 60 Prozent der weltweiten Kakaobohnen. Both were grimly affected by Ernteausfällen in 2023.

The produced amount in the elven reflection sank from 2.24 million tons in the 2022/23 season to 1.8 million tons in the follow-up season. There is a statistic of the statistic you need. In Ghana a ship sank from 654,000 tons to 580,000 tons.

Regenerate the diseases and the bäumen

For the serious consequences it is more Gründe: Akuter Verursacher war with the climatologists “El Niño”, the West African with Wetterkapriolen-heimliche zaken. «El Niño» is during the Abholzen der Urwalder in the region further developed. The Kakaobauern for finding the necessary technique and the Ausstattung, one of the best things you can do.

So follow one of the long terms, the Kakaobäume grimly strapazierte, a stopped rain phase. The moisture is then carried out, the power becomes greater and the ernte teilweise destroyed. Before the «Swollen-Shoot-Virus» was cashed in, the cases of Bäume became increasingly greater. Up to 80 percent of the Kakaobäumen were lost.

There may be a problem

In Spring 2024, the Kakao trip reached an unheard of high price. The Swiss importers had to pay 5150 Francs per ton of Kakao. This starts with a 40 percent increase. Make sure you reach the low price.

Allerdings hat dies with a besseren Ernte zu tune. This duration will take place in that period when the time is over. Erwartet would have a sinking disturbance in the Abnehmerländern.

If you scrape more people, you will receive a large portion of the grim gestures and enjoy a delicious chocolate. Zuletzt receives the prize for the Schokolade that the Federal Office for Statistics achieved at 11.3 Prozent.

Chocolate is always worth it

A suspension of the operating specifications is intended to reduce the costs that you want to make. The main group is the climate walk, the ernteerträge in the Erzeugerländern langfristig schmälern wird. Extreme weather and long periods can last longer.

This is due to other factors, which cause the unsafe prosperity, the fear of containers in the world and the rising tidal wave. Also other factors such as the Restoration of Packaging, Storage and Transport are affected. You can never use the Kakaobauern in the form of a profitable Bezahlung.

Schokoladenhersteller steuern gegen

Part of the management costs have led to the shoe manufacturers to readjust their prices and end users. If you want to know this, it is not possible to overstrain. If you want to get an improved performance of the repair process and the chain, one of the own costs that you have to pay.

If you use a word, this is the best way to get an idea: you can now make the best choice in the bag, a fair trade on your purchase. That is why you want to support the Kakaobauern and the environmental protection.

More on the topic:

best friendsClimate walkFranksChocolate