
Intel is shipping Baustart von Chipfabrik in Magdeburg

Intel is shipping Baustart von Chipfabrik in Magdeburg

SANTA CLARA/MAGDEBURG (dpa-AFX) – Intel announces the launch of the 30 billion euro construction sector for Chipwerks in Magdeburg. Konzernchef Pat Gelsinger stated that he has a review of his work during the years in the Netherlands – this is the result of a study based on the basis of his future life. A debate broke out in the Federal Government, while the few plants that used Milliarden subsidies could be used.

Intel is shipping Baustart von Chipfabrik in Magdeburg

Erster Spatenstich für dieses Jahr erhofft

Intel has developed new chip manufacturing methods in Saxony-Anhalt. Dabei sollten beef 3000 Arbeitsplätze entstehen. The first war that lasts for years can be eliminated. The Federal Government has set a national debt of 9.9 million euros for the Ansiedlung in Aussicht for one year. The Freigabe of the EU-Kommission has not left.

If we ever had a Monaten, Gelsinger in Magdeburg has the modern production skills to solve their problems, with the knowledge that they will be able to cope with the consequences. But of the Konzern kämpft mit Geldsorgen – and war gezwungen, irgendwo the Rotstift anzusetzen.

When the US government visits the market: Gelsinger invests in the US states of Ohio, Arizona, Oregon and New Mexico – and can stop for a while for the plans in Poland.

What about the billions of subsidies?

For the Bundesregierung, the financial settlement of a financial situation in the Haushalt, the man with the Intel billionaires was a great source of power. “All that Intel has not done is that the financing of financing in the Bundeshaushalt is reserved”, wrote Finance Minister Christian Lindner on the online platform X. “Everything else is without a doubt the best policy”, argumentation of the FDP-Vorsitzende.

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) said: “We will consult the community, who will not do it, a sin and a sorrow surround and put it to the good of the country.” While the Ministry is busy with the Gelderland Climate and Transformation Fund, KTF generates the core and no longer supports the Kernhaushalt zur Verfügung. A billion-dollar gap is created in the fund.

The Haushälter in the Bundestag, where the Bundesregierung’s etatentwurf was changed, became more difficult – and how the 12 billion euro fortune was reduced, could.

Intel needs to get the Curve first

Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) of Saxony-Anhalt telephones Gelsinger. Economics Minister Sven Schulze (CDU) has introduced a new initiative for governments. “Intel stopped with a zeitliche zogerung, weiter an their Project fest. That is for us all a weighty Nachricht”, said the Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

Before we know it, the information will be good for more billions of investments in the next two years. The first dominant industry pioneer can use the lucrative Halfbleiter-Geschäften for.

So smartphone chips from Apple, Qualcomm and Google were installed on the basis of the technology of the British chip designers arm. The graphics card specialist Nvidia dominates chips for AI software with ChatGPT. All high-tech technologies are produced in Taiwan by the Auftragsfertiger TSMC.

Magdeburg is one of the most important Intel rescue plans

Intel has a technology with its own chip for searching Windows PCs – but here Qualcomm with arm processors is one. There are some simple platzhirsch problems that can occur with problems on new chip generations.

Gelsinger, the start of 2021 as a sanitizer for Intel, has an ambitious – and terrible – recovery plan. No own chips will be added, but it is so bad that other companies come to Intel as separately produced products. The factories have their own standard in the inside of the kitchen.

More and more new works are being carried out with high state subsidies. I have put Gelsinger on the fear of Chip-Engpasses during a conflict in Taiwan. If the love of TSMC appears in the West, you warn experts. The Halbleiter-Knappheit in the Corona-Krise would cause damage days.

The alternative: Manufacturing in the US and Europe. Costs fell into the billions and in recent years. Once it is so, there will be an end to the years that the production of modern chips in the West is continued, but the man fell for the versorgungssicherheit erreicht, Gelsinger said in February. A fact: Intel is raging in the Western chip Lieferketten anchoring. Magdeburg is part of these plans.

AI Chip for Amazon

However, if the Bund were to have 10 billion euros in Magdeburg, the remaining 20 billion euros would still have to be delivered. And Intel needs to save. Everything in the quarter of the billion dollar survey is a – and analyst survey with even more rotten results. Gelsinger kündigte Anfang August bereits de Abbau von rund 15,000 Arbeitsplätzen an. Das since etwa 15 Prozent der Belegschaft. Insgesamt will save more than billions of dollars in the coming year.

In the US, Intel has accepted the Billion-dollar Grants, which can offer Gelsinger a research for his Auftragsfertiger-Strategie. Intel has developed and fertilized an AI chip for the Cloud-Sparte of Amazon, this is a./so/cki/seb/DP/zb