
Wladimir Putin: Karte Zegt Nächsten Vorstoß in Kursk – Putin’s Major Offensive stopped

Wladimir Putin: Karte Zegt Nächsten Vorstoß in Kursk – Putin’s Major Offensive stopped

The Ukraine is another battle against Putin’s troops. The Ukrainian forces in the Kures have become a new major offensive of the Russian militias. Maps say the Vorstoß. Russia now sees its units abdicate.

  • Post more information on Vorstoß ukrainischer Truppen in Kursk
  • Forces from the Ukraine überschreiten Grenze nach Russia
  • Map of Ukraine-Einheiten auf Russischem Gebiet

The Ukrainian Vorstoß in Kursk has outraged Vladimir Putin. If you say it is German, then you can take over the Defense Line. In the Russian region it is now no longer possible to be a major offensive Ukraine-War have prevented.

Read more news about Ukraine-Krieg and Vladimir Putin:

Neuer Vorstoß in Kursk: Selenskys-Truppen prevents Putin’s Gross offensive in the Ukraine-Krieg

Who the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has developed Ukrainian Einheiten a new Offensive Russian Streitkräfte, indem sie in Kurs einmarschierten. Dadurch hindered Russia in his camp in northern Ukraine. If you want to reach the Ukrainian border, you can hinder the puffer zones “von Osten nach Norden”. Laut Wolodymyr Selenskyj will hold his position in the city of Sumy and Kharkiv. Derzeit occupied Russia Truppen bereitsLyptsi (nordlich von Charkiw) and Wowtschansk (nordöstlich von Charkiw), heißt es in dem Message. If you have a good plan, it is so. With the offensive attack, the Ukrainian front line is played out by Kharkiv “dehnen” and his operation in other areas.

Karten says Ukraine offensive in Kursk

Maps and on the social Netzwerk X (formal Twitter) look, in the regions of the Ukrainian Truppen-Prince, next to the village of Novy Put nach Kursk gelangten. It is a fact that the area is more than 100 kilometers from the Oblasthauptstadt Kursk. The Media Portal “Noel reports” Message from a borderline journey. Then they say “weitere Ausrüstung in de Kursker Bezirk Glushkovskyi verlegt.” These are the pictures of vehicles on the road. Russian Quellen gehen davon aus, dass die Ukrainian Truppen in Richtung Glushkovo vorrücken.

Ukraine-Truppen vereiteln Russia-Operation

Ukraine could expand Russian activities in the Donetsk region and give shape to Pokrovsk-desire. The declaration of the Ukrainian president. A suspension of the over-examination is not possible. However, Ukraine has delayed this, that Russia sees its reserve units from Donetsk and Pokrovsk. If there is a problem, it is not being dealt with. “I think this is clear, it is a matter of no longer continuing in the generic defense lines that are underway”, said “Noel Reports” in an edit of a Telegram message.

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