
Kronenhalle in Zurich: Wed Picasso and Chagall zum Geschnetzelten grüßen

Kronenhalle in Zurich: Wed Picasso and Chagall zum Geschnetzelten grüßen

A place, a man who started Malerei and Kulinarik, was his son in the world: Before Hulda Zumsteg died 100 years ago in the “Kronenhalle” in Zurich. The guesthouse of Richard Strauss with Thomas Mann and Tina Turner.

The great Hulda sees this. In the world that forms a Lächeln, when my augen-aufnehmen, my gray hair ist zum Dutt frisiert, my black clothes are verleht in the aura of the great lady, the war. And in the Scheibe before my mirror as a Kronkel, there is no one. When it comes to the portrait of Swiss painters Willy Guggenheim alias Varlin of the idea of ​​Mittelpunk, Ortes ist dies, of the Punkt, and of the Gründerin, the Art and the Interior of the Zurich “Kronenhalle” with a whole own Miteinander verschmelzen.

We are on our way to visit one of the rare cultural institutions, which is on 21. Jahrhundert de allermeisten Trends proud, aber trotzdem funktionieren, in a city like that. The “Fischereihafen-Restaurant” in Hamburg is one of the German dishes, nor the “Spatenhaus” in Munich. In Zurich, Hulda Zumsteg has been the guesthouse for 100 years, and since no one knows, who lived in the world in the year 2124, it is still possible, that man is a dieser Stelle auch dann noch Kalbsgeschnetzeltes, Filetgulasch Stroganov and Rösti order and that work are ready Künstler and the best hiking trails.

Also 40 years after the death of the founder and 20 years after the death of her son Gustav was only here, the spirit was born. The Rämistraße, in which the restaurant is hidden, does not work spectacularly. To the right of the locals is an antique clock-handler, who sees the tram in the direction of the northern direction of Zurich. Once it is so far that the entrance stream is reached, the atmosphere can be shy. Apart from the Raum from Dunklem Holz is fragmented, you will find the Brasserie here and you will find Hulda zu.

But that alone does not explain the fascination. It is Kellner in the white Jacken, it is the Gemälde of Picasso, Chagall, Paul Klee and others, it is the Wissen-darum, that Max Frisch and Friedrich Dürrenmatt Fehden en Versöhnungen appear here, that is the Lübecker Patrizier Thomas Mann in Die Räumen would, Bertolt Brecht brought into his own Prahlereien, that is the composers Richard Strauss and Igor Stravinsky who lie, and Tina Turner is a bisschen private sphere.

Anyway, whoever is there, the people and guests who live in the Ruhe lassen – and no one who is ignorant, has not even gotten into trouble, that is here more than now in Essen. If the woman had bought the card on the schweren Tischtuch, the woman in the black uniform with a witer schürze was in the stimulation of a dienstagmittag, it was so expensive.

It’s a bit exaggerated. Which German should I delete, is it a “Mistkratzerli” a stubenküken-handel? Indispensable at the service fort, if you make a veal fillet with rosti-handel, this is an absolute classic, on the seasonal card day the service is employed – anyway, if you eat the avocado with vinaigrette. Genauso is then made. Man does not intend to use a Sashimi in essence, but he has ended up on the card.

Nun ist Zeit dafür, tiefer in die Geschichte einzutauchen. If Hulda and his husband Gottlieb Zumsteg das Lokal übernommen hatted, powers that are both bare by the high solid Küche with Treffpunkt der Zürcher Gesellschaft. The war started in 1929 in the Weltwirtschaftskrise and the following Zweiten Weltkriegs closed the restaurant. Hulda Zumsteg work immer, das Restaurant war ihr Leben. Ihr Sohn Gustav worked with 16 years of Lehrling at Zürcher Seidenunternehmen Abraham & Co., quickly moved to Paris.

Dort says that Henri Matisse is a father figure. Marc Chagall came in his younger years, the fashion designer Cristóbal Balenciaga, brought his art after her, but was the contact person with the designers. Gustav Zumsteg works with Stoffe for Christian Dior, Hubert de Givenchy, Coco Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent – ​​in his erkannte it is a challenge that does not do his work. These acquaintances also fade away on their mother. You love Parisian couture on your body, also as a promise for the plastering in your room.

Später sollte Gustav Zumsteg said: „If I would like to become one of the best art handlers, I would like to have a great time as a great artist. If I’m wrong, I can start the art business with my women, but I can also start a war.’ If you have more war on the Platz, you will find gems in the “Kronenhalle”.

The Abraham Company, which was born in 2002 at the end of the war, has to deal with millions of pillars. If you were in the restaurant, please leave it alone. So it is a testament that the restaurant and the work of art of Hulda- and Gustav-Zumsteg-Stiftung. So a man bis heute in de Lokal de Größen der classical Moderne ganz nahe sein; manche Besucher kommen vor allem aus diesem Grund.

The guests of Germany are better off with their avocado. As the vinaigrette softens, I’m still more interested in the zwiebel and tomato würfel. If you have a feinheit, it is not that you get money and that the price is schnitten. Kein Koch wants you to have fun – more about the class, see the details in your home.

Long service life oriented

Founder Dominique Nicolas God said that the 65-year-old Geschäftsführer in the discreetness of a blue Anzug wants to emphasize the seriousness of the matter and then counteract, which is also the case, that the Guest of Courts ausgehen could, who still schmecken. Local life in Zurich can not but run a Globus – a constant level that provides a higher Grund for the Besuch.

Also in the Küche! Chef Peter Schärer appreciates the comfort of his hand. Der 61-Jährige steht vorn, da, wo die Kellner das fertige Essen abholen – een Mannschaftskapitän, der jeden Spielzug gesehen hat, ein Typ, der seinen Köchen vermittett: Ganz egal, wie felle Guest bowls, am And we were with geradem Rücken auseinandergehen , weil jeder, der bis zu 500 Teller in Ordnung-war. It’s always a good day, and it’s also great to see Souschef Philippe Schoch die Führung. Der 45 years have been one of the crafts here. Nach Stationen with the “Suvretta House” in Sankt Moritz are back in the neighborhood 20 years ago.

Fancy is not. When we are busy with the Küche Erfolg, it will interpret the brilliant Grundsätzliche, also if you experiment. In the „Kronenhalle“ the following is done: If you put the roll on everything, from the Fonds to the Teigen for the Desserts. If you order the classic allerhands, there comes 170 grams of turkey fillet and a rösti portion, which are so rich that he the waiter in the gastronomy two full counters of cutlets are presented. There is no type for all your filigree, but Schoch, if this is no longer the case. Cooking art is bestowed for this team in the first line from a machinable logistics.

It is possible to use the Geschnetzelte in a planted version. Ohne jüngeres Publikum würde auch diese Institution irgendwann sterben. Geschäftsführer God that we are willing to do anything, that he is a woman with a man who has come to terms with them, that their wish has been achieved since, here in 30. Geburtstag zu feiern.

It is so that – we are in the restaurant as good as seniors, but it is a younger person. Longer dominate among the guests is no longer the feinen leader and the power. Zurich has found a dress-down-welle, and that also applies to sneakers, polo shirts and jeans.

The last years of the “Kronenhalle” in the criticism have appeared: After we had seen more guests in slippers and shorts, the management was of the opinion that the dress code of the local dress code was not correct. Mancher Besucher dies as Bevormundung aus. Also the way the forms are put together will be better in the core. The personal gift is the best tag, one of the works of art that you want to make, it is a desire that the stay does not take place in the Schlunzi look.

And however unclear the detail in the “Kronenhalle” was, she once said in the bar that the year 1965 went to the house. Ganz right in the Tresen finds a few black Flecken, which originate from the mulled tobacco, which is a completely different country. Why did the dots not disappear for a long time? The bar manager Christian Heiss looks slightly confused with his answer. A diesem Platz has Gustav Zumsteg gern geraucht, says; A situation in which Ernst is not aware of his situation. It is possible that the man experiences an unhindered welding result.

Zwei Dinge explains Gustav Zumsteg for his Tod fest. It is important that the restaurant itself is financially dependent on its own resources, and the financial support of the foundation does not depend on it. The team is self-aware in the Covid-19 crisis. There is a word of caution: The “Kronenhalle” will not be sold. Luxus-Ketten also has a great chance to come in this fall.

Ohne Zweifel was das een grandiose Entscheidung: The Schicksal der Institution, der man large parts of de Lebens-widmete, über das eigene Ende hinaus zu gestalten, Kracht diesen Ort nur noch exclusive. The great Hulda worked the best.