
Was the man erasing the power volleys before the season?

Was the man erasing the power volleys before the season?

With a Heimspiel, the SVG Lüneburg starts the SWD Powervolleys Düren in the new season. Do you want the Mannschaft with ihrem neuen Trainer Christoph Achten? Was since Ihre Stärken, was Ihre Schwächen? A wie kan de Umbruch nach der schlechten Saison 2023/24 gelingen. Fragen and Antworten.

Do you want to start the SWD Powervolleys in the new season?
The Powervolleys start on Sunday, September 22, with a Heimspiel that SVG Lüneburg in the new season. Apfiff in the Arena Kreis Düren, Nippesstraße 4, is at 4 PM. The Heimspiele der kommenden Saison is een German publikumsfreundlicher als bisher: Alle Ligaspiele finden entweder samstags, 19 Uhr, oder sonntags, 16 Uhr statt. Part of the pokalspiele was played in the Woche ausgetragen.

Who is the Vorbereitung-gelaufen?
The Powervolleys have absolviert eleven Test games, including against Chaumont Volley-Ball 52 from France, the Dutch Klubs Dynamo Appeldoorn and Orion Doetinchem, the Belgian Vereine Leuve, Waremme and Masseik. Three games with Düren lost, eight won. Dürenes trainer Christophe Achten is thoroughly satisfied with the preparation work, with Kapitän Michael Andrei. The Mittelblocker spoke of a “she strengthened Vorbereitung with perhaps Spielen, die aber veld Spaß gemacht hat”.

The new trainer Christophe Achten will come soon. Photo: J.Gras

Allerdings hatte Düren zeemlich großes Verletzungspech schon in der Vorbereitung. Imanol Salazar has a bond with the rights of Ellenbogen and is vermutlich until January 2025. Als Ersatz wurde der Franzose François Huetz verpflichtet. One of the Kanadier James Vincett fell on a fight from the best time of the year. “The loss was a big deal,” said Andrei. “Trotzdem ist die Stimmung in der Mannschaft sehr gut.”

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Who won Düren sich beim Ligacup in Hildesheim?
Ganz-gut. TSV Haching München and the FT 1844 Freiburg have won the Powervolleys clearly with 2:0 with 3:0 won. And the WWK Volleys-herrsching is with 3:1 clearly dominant and so the End Platz of the one-time Bounce House Cups has become fun. The VfB Friedrichshafen has not given the Mannschaft of Christophe Achten a chance in the Viertelfinale. The first time I got to work with Michael Andrei & Co., it was the end of the German scaffolding, the game was lost with 0:3.

The war of the 2023/24 season has become sporty and will continue over the years. Wear a hat tie located?
A Grund war is a younger and not relatively unknown trainer Matti Alatolo. For the damask first 27-year-old Finns was Duren the first Station in the German Bundesliga. There is no guideline for the financing of the Mannschaft, I am 1. Weihnachtstag in the course of the years that the association has received, then the Geschäftsführer and ex-pro Tomas Kocian-Falkenbach of the training academy. If so, it may be that the Spieler is not played with the duration and the powerful force. If you have a party, while the man in Eindruck hates a game, there is a full-scale war, how the game develops. It is the first part of Léo Meyer, which is set in the Powervolleys-Verortwortlichen grote Hoffnung, in the total season in which the Erwartungen is left.

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Jetzt is a large group that has been training with Christophe Achten the trainer for three years. Where does it clap is jetzt better?
It is a great blow, while the new seasonal feature takes place. Actually Christophe Achten is the absolute Wunsch candidate for the Powervolleys war and the Düren Achtens absolute Wunschverein. If Matti Alatolo is an authoritarian trainer and has no more money for his man’s hat, it is so that he has a good idea of ​​his team hat. There is a plan for volleyball and seeing with the power volleys and a good way for. The team is at Freiraum at the same time, while it is going so well, wants and who has a lot. The team can no longer function. During training and during test games the man the final push, that the chemistry inside the team stimulates. “It is completely different in character than in the past season”, said Michael Andrei. The eclipse is not so big, who thinks at first glance. Nice players, Siebe Korenblek, Shohei Nose, Robin Baghdady, Nico Wegner and Michael Andrei have been left behind, new athletes have not gone crazy any more. Libero Leo Bernsmann was dropped for the season-commending and energetic Netzhoppers Königs Wusterhausen.

Identify the new game as you play more with the game?
The most power is the Anschein. Christophe Achten war and the game selection means. If the volleyball qualities are war, the game that you find, while you come through the wool, we will have a title with the power volleys that is wool. A player, character Robin Baghdady and Robbe van de Velde know the new Trainerstations. This is a heavy war.

Was since die Stärken der Mannschaft?
A big step is better than the Trainer. In the industry it is so that the man has sense, which is a good and experienced coach. All films, with the fact that they are spoken, report of a good training and a professional working environment. If Captain Michael Andrei eight years on the Powervolley’s a slows down, it is enormously heavy. Andrei is a Stück with DNA of Powervolleys. There is talk of an active footballer and can give the young players a chance to play. The team is much bigger, the game is longer than two meters. This is safe in a Vorteil.

And the Swabians?
Hard to say. It is exciting to see that Christophe Achten imagines a masculinity in the form of a man in his work.

Do you like the Powervolleys title?
Düren is still on the first title in club history. You can expect the perfect season experience. The volleyball tournament of the Dürener Turnvereins, after the Powervolleys are revived, while he is the best after 60 years, Michael Andrei will end after the season of his professional career. If the club districts are on the market, a place is one of the first four in the league that is a very season soul. There are also Berlin and Friedrichshafen but also Lüneburg, Giesen and Herrsching a word. Düren is in the first six league games on these teams. It can also be clear that the team is stead.