
Migration: Städtetagspräsident: Flüchtlinge Schneller in Arbeit Bringen

Migration: Städtetagspräsident: Flüchtlinge Schneller in Arbeit Bringen

The new president of the Lower Saxony City Council, Jürgen Krogmann, is keen to integrate quickly into the labor market. “People can find themselves, with a positive attitude, and in their own interest, they will be more quickly employed in their work,” said Oldenburg’s Oberbürgermeister Jürgen Krogmann (SPD) from the Politikjournal «Rundblick».

In many cases, an employment contract is invoked. “Refugees must therefore have to work for the first time”, according to Krogmann. If the refugee no longer exists, it will be “a bad impression, also concerning social assistance”.

Von Arbeitslosen, who was born in Germany, can never desire more as people, the man Schutz and Zuflucht gewähre. “So we will continue to gain more insight into the future, which will lead to a more demographic development, and will be urgently developed,” says the SPD politician.

Krogmann has been nominated for the presidency of the Lower Saxony City Council since September by Salzburg Mayor Frank Klingebiel (CDU).

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