
Velm-Götzendorf – EVN-Wasser-Experten begeben sich auf Spurensuche nach Lecks

Velm-Götzendorf – EVN-Wasser-Experten begeben sich auf Spurensuche nach Lecks

EVN water

The EVN-Wasser expert Manuel Brixler and Dominic Riesenhuber.


Dsuch as Wasser-Ortsnetz in Velm-Götzendorf ensures that your life continues with pleasure. There’s also a wonder, that’s an undichte Couples gibt …

“Um de Wasserverlusten auf die Schliche zu kommen, haben wir Messungen durchgeführt. This happened, while the Leitungsnet noticed a small Lecks and overloaded it, the EVN-Wasser-Experts Dominic Riesenhuber and Manuel Brixler were helped.

A server that enjoys the internet on a new level is an inheritor, a new way to recognize this. Therefore EVN Water runs the Übertestfungen of the Trinkwasserleitungen durch.

A modern, acoustic paint comes out of the closet, a jewel that is. “With special equipment can cause local care with signal signals and damage. All the affected leaking sets were in connection repair and by a new inspection of the Messung”, so the experts. If the combined large damage, it can be done quickly, because it is all an unpleasant damage, the high water desire disappear.

“I am a man who trespasses on some private ground,” bitten by the Technician.