
ÖBB extended Ticket discount on roads Hochwasser

ÖBB extended Ticket discount on roads Hochwasser


The high wasserreignisse in Ostösterreich is the Fernverkehr-zwischen Vorarlberg and Wien weiterhin unterbrochen. Die Züge fahren aktuell nur bis Linz. Die Reisewarnung vergild noch bis Donnerstagabend. Tickets purchased for this season will be carried by the ÖBB for longer and will be purchased in the future.

According to ÖBB Press Speaker Christoph Gasser-Mair, the generousity of train tickets will be extended beyond the lock, and will be black until Sunday, September 22. If Dorthin does not use all the used train tickets, this can also happen. When the Zugbindung dries up, the person can use his body to use and not to use for more than eight hours.

Rückerstattung can no longer apply to Hotels and Leihautos

Also the return of tickets is possible. If you can no longer use the high water, you can pay the ticket costs online or as tickets.

Otherwise, the man who could no longer find the high washers would rent a hotel or another hotel. If you use a travel warning in the Freitag of the ÖBB, it is possible that the Fahrgäste will be warned. If it is good, we have gone on the road to power and then a hotel or a car company has probably become a private company. If the time point becomes clear, it is an Extrem-Wetter-Ereignis-bevorstehe.

ÖBB-Reisewarnung bis Donnerstag

The ÖBB appeals are still not in use. Starting of illicit business in the second half of the Österreichs-extension of the ÖBB in your free travel on 19 September, also Donnerstagabend.

Photo series with 3 images



Der Bahnverkehr war am Sonntag in weiten Teilen des Katastrofengebietes Niederösterreich aufgrund von round 40 Streckenunterbrechungen massive eingeschränkt.



Rising Pegel in Ostösterreich


“Wir suchen Reisende Dreigen, bis zur Aufhebung der Reisewarnung, von Bahnreisen abzusehen“, stated Christof Gasser-Mair, ÖBB-Sprecher for Vorarlberg and Tirol gegenüber dem ORF Vorarlberg bereits in de Vergangen Tagen. Fahrgäste was bitten, sich vor Fahrtantritt auf ÖBB SCOTTY, or der beim ÖBB Service under 05-17 17 to inform.