
ACTION IM FOKUS: Two Verkaufsempfehlungen tax Südzucker erneut | 17.09.24

ACTION IM FOKUS: Two Verkaufsempfehlungen tax Südzucker erneut | 17.09.24

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – Good luck with your future actions Warning I printed the Aktienkurs am Dienstag on the tenth stand on March 2022. If you have a cost saving of 4.2 Prozent on 11.33 Euro, the SDAX of the smaller Börsenwerte comes to an end. Am Vortag hatten sie bereits three Prozent lost.

Both Warburg Research and MWB Research have carried out the Zucker production action on “Sell”. Analyst Leon Mühlenbruch of MWB Research argued with a strong decline in costs and with cyclical matters, which did a study on a study of the system and for all ergebnisse uncontrolled powers.

The most important sunken sugar prices of the new annual contracts that are now taking place in 2024/25 are still not taken into account by Turnus’ negative underlying indications, wrote Oliver Schwarz von Warburg Research. Research has been done on the sugar segment 2025/26 with an employee Verlust. From 12.50 to 9.40 euros a price is paid for a Verkaufsempfehlung.

In the transitions that you can expect from the Zuidzucker-Kurs, it can last longer than the 50-day Durchschnittslinie, this has not been overcome. They are gilded as a mediocre trend indicator. With further price desires now the Tiefstände vom March 2020 and March 2022 for less than 10 euros in the Fokus./bek/ag/jha/