
QGD stands MHD – is it end of life? Bundestag debates railway-breaking idea!

QGD stands MHD – is it end of life? Bundestag debates railway-breaking idea!

In Deutschland landen jährlich Millionen Tonnen Lebensmittel im Müll. Ernährungswissenschaftler Uwe Knop discutiert Lösungen, und diese Verschwendung entgegenzuwirken.

In the German Bundestag I found on 23 September 24 one of the most recent statistics of the German Bundestag, when I lived in most countries. Is it a problem?

In the German Bundestag you will find an overview of the publications on the topic “Mandatory presentation of viability by the food retail trade” statt. This expert discussion round is based on the “Enjoyment in the walk: Between private life and state tasks” and the organization of “Exit for Enjoyment and Agriculture”. It is also primarily one of the products of the food trade with the most important operating date (MHD) that has made no effort, can also be wiped away, so that a healthy lifestyle can develop. Whoever can blow it off, no matter how good it may be, and it was finally enshrined in the mandatory law, then we can be tense!

Isn’t life with MHD a mental bar at all?

Yes, although it can happen that verschiedene lebensmitteln are deleted, that is still not the case if data about the consumerbar is thought up. If it was about the MHD, then it is the right Haftung. If MHD has a repairer for problems, that can be a good Haftungsumkehr – and it is a haftet of the respective Händler/Verkäufer of the Supermarket. A handler can also grundslich noch sell this way of life, if the supermarket has not even won the minimum shelf life – this haftung will make the trade nought and bein. Because the burdens are an uninternational separation, it is no longer possible to do business that arranges a part of the business – an acquaintance or an honestly written story. also Klagen vorzubeugen.

If you think that people have never been so old, as the MHD is written, the way of life in the Müll must increase. But that is nonsense. The MHD now has the guarantee that this “Topfrische and best quality” guarantees. Danach can be an einbus. If the regulation goes in this direction, the MHD will probably not consume more in the future.

Here often a single critical sensory test (at your own risk) applies: Check, smell and try, when nose (!) and eye the “GO” is given. The MHD must be included in QGD “Quality Assurance Data” – if the “Mindest Haltbarkeit” is recommended, then that is the Haltbarkeit date. And that is nonsense. The MHD is definitely a “Wegwerfdatum”.

Who is the idea of ​​a “compulsory new spirit of Lebensmittel by the Lebensmitteleinzelhandel” justified?

It’s a great idea, denn: Jedes Jahr landen in Deutschland, wahnwitzige eleven Millionen Tonnen Lebensmittel in Mülleimer. If the large part of the human life cycle is spent in the home (quickly 60 Prozent is lost in private homes), so don’t spend any more time in the supermarket. Here are some unused resources available, -.beispielsweise, dass Lebensmittel mit abgelaufenem MHD verpflichting verschenkt were müssen. It also does not cost more if you can no longer operate the Händler – the Verantwortung must be from the Beschenkte übernehmen. It’s a fairer and cooler deal, your life in the kitchen and more happy people living! Was spricht daggen? Nothing!

Who can’t motivate the citizen, when the food goes away?

Is it one of the few things you can do: Do ​​you have fun, respect and protection for livelihood, also for meat, milk, cheese? Because for this food animals die. It is a good thing that you do this. You develop an empathic consciousness for the special “gift to the counter”: A life will “transform” with your food. Dem gebührt hochster Respekt and ein wenig Demut – das schmeißt man nicht einfach achtlos weg, nur weil es einem “halbfrisch” nicht mehr schmeckt – oder gar aus “niederen Beweggründen”, weil man gerade lieber etwas anderen isst, “denn ist ja alles zo schön günstig, kaufe ich einfach neu.“ Nein. This is a very good idea. Think of the past. Ernährung is the most momentous headquarters of the world, Essen is the evolutionary biology of the Lebenserhaltung number, nor in terms of sex. Ein brauchen met Lebensmittel, tagtäglich, sehr velde. We live in Schlaraffia Germania – and it is so that all the more truth-estimating and this respect also bring the means of life itself. Some of the problems and their consequences – this art of the ‘happy self-reflection’ can provoke a new thought process – and dementedly presage a German way of doing things.

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Your Button (*72) ist evidence-based research scholar (Dipl.oec.troph./JLU Gießen), Publizist, Referent und Buchautor (aktuell „ENDLICH RICHTIG ESSEN“ (August 2024)). Look at the objective basic analysis of the studies carried out for more than 14 years to the core of a non-hanging automatic analysis. Button that most of the world with its own opinion of the soul, the self-informing information and the separate keeping, works with the most important main groups of the world – sexual Essen with life hold – vertrust. Contact: [email protected]