
Marathon soll Bungies neues Baby nach Destiny be – Still Spieler furchten: “Klingt wie Concord”

Marathon soll Bungies neues Baby nach Destiny be – Still Spieler furchten: “Klingt wie Concord”

There are new details for Bungie’s shooter “Marathon”, which will include a game and Concord, a short-lived flop from 2024.

Was it a Marathon?

Now new information about the Marathon and Tageslicht, but the young details can miss the player. These functions are performed when the Sony-Shooter Concord is flopped.

Here you can see Marathon’s Ankündigungstrailer:

Marathon PS5 & PC Announcement Trailer

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No Hero Shooter, but also Free-2-play

Was this for new details? The online magazine “TheGamePost” reported that there were some rumors that Bungie earned 40 US dollars for the marathon as a reward for the bet.

If you play the game in the classroom, you can play Hero Shooter. If you find a leak, it is a fact that you can click on Here it is, Marathon gets black 4 heroes, but there are customizable classes.

This is the core gameplay of Marathon described as “Escape from Tarkov, with a Bungie Twist.”

Fans should think a little flop

Was sagen die Spieler zu den nieuw Infos? The new details will be posted in a message on zusammengefasst. Try to play the game with thanks and misstrauisch.

A Nutzer wrote: “40 $ klingt nach Concord.” It is a Hero-Shooter, which only became a light and brutal flop in August 2024. Bereits nach wenigen Tagen schied sich Sony dazu, Concord wieder offline to nehmen.

Concord costs 40$, was certainly a factor in playing Shooters, and many other Hero-Shooter Free-to-play is. Other nuts talk in their comments about Concord or other things that are a short marathon.

Other brands are one of the Helldivers which cost 2x 40€ and release a bigger Erfolg war.

In August, Industry Insider Jason Schreier spoke about the Marathon and compared it to another bleak flop in 2024. Schreier’s opinion is that the shooter is “in the right direction” and the pessimistic Entwickler was: Insider report on a new game from Bungie, after Destiny 2, sounds scary, compared to the flop in 2024