
Reha und Rente: Sozialleistungen für Schwerbehinderte

Reha und Rente: Sozialleistungen für Schwerbehinderte

Fast jeder zehnte Mensch in Deutschland ist schwerbehindert (9.3 Prozent). Without hindrance, it was a result of more behind the scenes 50 years ago. Then bestht Anspruch auf sub Leistungen. In the context of social security that the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV) has found on these three Bausteine ​​​​:

1. Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation for Interest, lautet der Grundsatz. Rehabilitation programs are so hindered, that a backlog or illness occurs at a recruitment decrease führt.

There may be a station or a medical outpatient treatment or such treatment for the part in the work process. You can otherwise call on the construction site on a geigneten construction site or on the technical Hilfen in Job.

2. Compensation interest

If the impediment to a job is no longer a problem or can no longer last, you can find an answer to a rent path Erwebsminderung bestehen – between the partial or full. Distinctive is the lost performance – and black in Bezug on the complete labor market, not just the second job.

3. Alternatives

Können Schwerbehinderte a Mindestversicherungszeit von 35 years ago, können sie een Alternrente in Anspruch nehmen and nor for Erreichen der Regelaltersgrenze ohne Abschläge in Rente gehen. The alternative border can pose a problem if the stufenweise is confused.

Advice helps further

If you have a Leistung in the Anspruch mode, it cannot be that you have the Leistung of verschiedene personal and insurance technical Preliminary Settlements ab. It was possible that the fall would develop, but it could be a nice reward. Ansprechpartner is a jewel for the own home with a comparable interest insurance straeger.

The Deutsche Rentenvericherung is available outside the free telephone number 0800 1000 4800. Details on buying and renting a means of payment in a brochure shed, the telephone or online order you can get, can be carried out.

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