
AKTIEN IM FOKUS: Rustungswerte zinc

AKTIEN IM FOKUS: Rustungswerte zinc

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – Assets companies are a service of a Bloomberg report on a position of power in Ukraine under pressure. So the papers of Rhine metal (ETR:) One of the last trend lines of the month of August is a filen in Dax-Ende with a value of 4.1 percent at 497.20 Euro. The German Lead Index is ​​0.81 Percent. Among the other establishments, Hensoldt (ETR:) is shown as a lock in the middle grosses. Werte drei Perzent and Renk (ETR:) more as zwei Perzent ein.

One of the Ukrainian works has begun, while the fight against the Russian invasion began, reported the news agent of Bloomberg under the commotion with the trusted persons. In the western part of the Hauptstädten the Besorgnis auslöst, that the art of living can facilitate, that the Kiev a vorteiten Waffenstillstand is gezwungen wird.