
Hisbollah-Pager Explosive Animals in Lebanon – Iranian Botschafter Verletzt

Hisbollah-Pager Explosive Animals in Lebanon – Iranian Botschafter Verletzt

Civil Protection workers carry an injured man whose mobile pager exploded at al-Zahraa Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Also in Beirut, Dutzende was lost.Image: keystone

17.09.2024, 16:3117.09.2024, 16:56

If one of the most important coordinators Angriff in Lebanon and Hunderte Menschen are lost – by exploding Telekommunikationsgeräte. There is talk of an aftercare agent from the DPA at Kreisen and Krankenhauses in a southern Vorort der Hauptstadt Beirut.

Dort sees around 300 injuries to be loved. If the Hisbollah-Kreisen go down in history, the Schüten-Miliz can be seen. Offizielle Zahlen zu den Opfern gab es zunächst nicht.

In videos from surveillance cameras one can see how something is in supermarkets to be small Explosions come. Some people lie down on the ground. The explosions occur as a result of the medium term in the southern part of Beirut, while Hisbollah is clearly in the south of the countries. Because Tote gab, war will not be clear.

Eyewitnesses report of panic in the streets of Beirut. Multi-ton hospital car was in emergency. The Lebanese Ministry of Health uses the emergency center for the human, so that there is no radio equipment. If the exploding devices take a slow functional action, it may also be that Pager is a waste. The Ministry ief zu Blutspenden auf.

Auch Iran’s Botschafter in Lebanon, Modschtaba Amani, soll Medianberichtes zuffollow bei de Explosion eines Pagers verletzt be signal. The Hisbollah is the most recent state alliance of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In Raum stand de Vermutung, while Israel aroused the wrath of the Hisbollah-Kämpfer, the explosion was caused by an explosion. The Israeli army was in action during the war in Lebanon.

Conflict with Israel is self-evident

After a few years later, it is such that the Zeichen, the Conflict in Israel and the Hisbollah in Lebanon, receive an important criticism.

The backlash of the Israeli citizens in the north of the countries and the borders of Lebanon will no longer exist now – it will not be peace with the Gaza Strip and the struggle of Hamas – the Israeli War Souls.

There is a path that leads to a “military attack”said Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant in Monday after making a meeting with American Defender Amos Hochstein. The diplomatic power in the fight against the Hisbollah back is still in the Far, while the Militia in his time with Hamas in the Gaza Strip is connected and so big, the Conflikt has been.

The General Commissioner of the UN-Palästinenserhilfswerks (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, said after a meeting in Lebanon with Australian Minister Bou Habib, the situation is “sehr besorgniserregend”. There is a great honor to the Best, man must be in the Schlimste way.

Hisbollah auf «jegliches Szenario» vorbereitet

Begin with the wars in the Gaza Strip in Swiss Israel and the Islamist Hamas before a quick battle in the border area in Swiss Israel and in the northern Nachbarland Lebanon, which will face the military confrontation of the Israeli army and Hisbollah.

In total, about 60,000 Israelis must run their homes and apartments in the city around the town of Kiriat Schmona in the northern Israeli verlassen. Many affected lives are months in the state paid hotels in the country. In several places in the Israeli border area, tens of houses as well as infrastructure were damaged. The soldier is in the fight when he is present. Start trading with the hisbollah, it is one of the army’s checkpoints on the Zivilisten using Strassen.

When they both came together – most of them were Mitglieder der Hisbollah. It is the task of an Israeli service to carry out a rage attack on a South Lebanon by Hisbollah-Kämpfer getötet.

The Islamic Republic of Iran acts with its own solidarity with the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip. They will first set their anger, when the “aggression against Gaza and the Palestinian people” occurs. Under General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah has in the past with the Unterstützung of Tehran in a strong acceleration. This realm lies in the Krisen-gelähmten Lebanese State. The organization controls the entire South and the Border of Israel, from the inhabited quarter of the main city of Beirut, the Bekaa-Ebene in the North of the country.

The Hisbollah sees his ‘jegliches Szenario’-vorbereitet, who is the informed Kreissen-hiess. Quellen from the organization of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur:

“Our fighters are ready on October 8. There are more people who have made a concrete mix, who will be protected in Lebanon.”

Beobachter is a new military action from

If we find out that it is so that we continue and large military military in the Swiss Israel and the Hisbollah come, come. It seems that Riad Kahwaji, director of the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis (INEGMA), director of the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis (INEGMA), is the dpa. Also within the Israeli government recalled these differences in opinion. An Israeli deployment with ground troops in Lebanon is after the assessment of the political analysts Makram Rabah certainly likely. «There is a Question of Timing»he said.

The Lebanese parliament representatives and the English parliament of Hisbollah, Nabih Berri, have no legal limits, without any limits on Israeli soil in Lebanon. Der Zeitung «Al-Joumhouria» says, There is a fact that Israel has taken military action, but the German authorities have “at the very least, without the intention of an invasion”.

Message: Umfassender Krieg with Hisbollah is not so much fun

The Israeli Zeitung “Jerusalem Post” reported a commotion about the political and military power of Israel, Israel has not liked a critical tickle with its Hisbollah. The story was about the “strategic sieg” during the Hisbollah at the end of August. Damals hate the Israeli army by an attack of the Military army and attacking Ziele in southern Lebanon. The army has given the Israeli forces the power to fight the northern Israelis who are focused on business.

It is the goal of the Israeli head of government Benjamin Netanyahu who has a large military operation in Lebanon with small pleasures and risks when it comes to realized figures, writes the “Jerusalem Post” further. Certainly does not die, but it is Blatt a fact. A big criticism is riskier for all pages.

Israel will exert military and diplomatic pressure, if the Hisbollah Military sends the 30 kilometers of the Border across the Litani River – so who will have the UN Resolution 1701 before them.

Blinken erneut in Ägypten – kein Besuch planted in Israel

In the meantime, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will make a proposal to the Egyptian government for a discussion on the Gaza War issue. A retreat between Israel and Hamas over a Waffenruhe seems as good as out of time. Israel will destroy the Islamist Hamas in the war – but still die to an undisputed Palestinian.

So we will be there for you with an Israeli Angriff in the Flüchtlingsviertel Al-Bureidsch in Gazastreifen nach Angaben des palästinensische Zivilschutzes Tote und Verletzte. Insgesamt seien sechs Wohnhäuser affected. A genaue Zahl der Toten en Verletzten could no longer succeed.

Commissioning almost successful

The Egyptians, Qatar and the US have invested their money in the conflict. The US is the most successful Israeli company. A visit to Blinkens is here Media reports will not be planted anymore. After the American registration it is so bare that a new pretext for a Waffenruhe could arise.

The Egyptians work together with Israel and Ukraine with the big American military and American economies. Roads of the low human rights in Egypt has caused the American registration of these things in the years of the back levels. Roads Kairos began to get a Vermittlung in Gaza-Krieg, Washington dies annually, the 1.3 Billion US-Dollars and Military in vollemfang are zahlen, reported the “New York Times”. (rbu/sda/dpa)

There is a beginning made with the course time of a pair of beginnings: for a quick two months there is an asteroid that circles the planets. See a man nearby.

It’s Planets, the world that goes to Saturn with its 145 Trabants. Our Earth only has a mouth – at least until now. I’ve gone bald playing Planet for a short mini-month.