
Steppenkerzenrichtig pflanzen: So gelingt es

Steppenkerzenrichtig pflanzen: So gelingt es

Steppe cherries use part of the time, sand and a dust-free soil. It is always the case that it is a windproof stone. In order to protect themselves from the dry summers in the steppe, which the leaves of the steppe cherries are beautiful, when the plant is still blue and was slowly absorbed. It is a fact that other people such as Pfingstrose (Paeonia), Flockenblume, Storchschnabel, Frauenmantel, Polsterstauden or Rutenhirse (Panicum) get to work with the brown Laub. Beautiful accompanying plants are also Strauch- and Kletterroses and Turkish Mohn. During the hohen what happens, it is good for the little Beete. The magnificent flowers come in front of a thin background under the geltung. Geeignet sind beispielsweise dunkle Ziergräser.