
Dieser Fehler beim Waschen costs euch bares Geld im Jahr

Dieser Fehler beim Waschen costs euch bares Geld im Jahr

Wash the laundry on the Alltag, there can be an error when washing the machine. This error costs money in Purse for a year.

Saving energy when doing laundry – but right!

Save energy when washing money and the environment. Dammit, the best experience is the greatest, but it is important to do all the washing:

  • Always run the washing machine fully: Washing a half-loaded machine is not inefficient, but it also changes. When the washing machine is no longer used, it may be loaded.
  • Low temperature values: Modern detergents are designed to effectively clean laundry at low temperatures. If the temperature is lower, it is wise to wash jewelry. This does not only save energy, it also protects textiles and prolongs life.
  • Auf Energy saving program set: Many modern washing machines have a special energy saving program. These are reduced by the Verbrauch von Strom and Wasser.
  • Auf die Vorwäsche visten: In most cases is a pre-fluent liquid and there is no more washer use. If your clothes do not change much, then you will see the prewash and the statistics of a longer main wash program.

Saving energy when washing laundry is possible also on the dry. Gerade in the spring and summer months is a Trockner-überflussig. In the last years of the time in the Trockner it will no longer be before an energy-saving program is separated. Denn ein Trockner broken fast doubles as much power as a washing machine with its cook-bun-washing program.

So it is guaranteed to be clean and fresh laundry

In point fresh laundry the right care is separated. These start with regular cleaning of the washing machine. The hard-wearing deposits can put the performance of the machine into operation. If the appliance is cleaned once in the Monat and removed, this is done. If you use the washing machine, it ends up on the waschmittel. Auf Weichspüler und Co. could not in der Regel verzicht. Statistics raise their money in a high degree of waschmittel investments. Here is a forward movement – the waschmittel can lie on the backwash waters.

Is it a new washing machine? This video says it’s the top model!

Was it not possible to lie – can you lie?

If the laundry is not fresh after washing, it is somewhat possible that this happens. As a rule, it is and a mangle of the machine. The drum, seal and filter are a regular cleaning, so that no dirt changes occur. If the detergent is wrong, it can have a bad effect. For all liquid detergents, store in the inside of the washing machine. If you are concerned with removing the laundry, you can do a wash with your laundry. No worries, the laundry is not the typical ingredient that is not even a good way to use.

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