
HR Intendant Florian Hager represents Reformpläne and Sparkurs

HR Intendant Florian Hager represents Reformpläne and Sparkurs

The Intendant of the Hessian Rundfunks, Florian Hager, has been commissioned to carry out one of the senders’ reform courses in an alternative way. It is worth listening to on the radio, a money for new scary things, such as Hager in the Montagabend with a veranstaltung in the Frankfurter Presse-Club. If it is all so heavy, you should let the human come into his thoughts. The HR person should use a sender of a dialogue.

The discussion of the HR department in June can begin, the intention is that radio programs are already three times as good. Because this is so, the Mittel will sollten for digital products that will use the “Community Building”.

Hager said in the conversation with the chairmen of the press clubs, the FAZ-Herausgeber Carsten Knop, with his weighty affairs, dies in the Grundzügen himself by the fault of the press, before he falls ill. Jetzt but verlagere sich de Diskussion nach inken. This means that my HR “a process can be carried out”. The sender has received a number of previous own productions and a larger amount of radio programs in other ways. “Both have I brought in Wanken.”

Now your fun day will be taken care of

Folglich sei de Stimmung gegenwärtig schlecht. There is a lot that is very disappointing. “I don’t have that many fans at the moment.” The Sender was in a very cool phase. Anyway, it’s clear: “Um New Tunes, Müssen wir Altes Welten.” Man must have had a close look, because ever weniger Radio was heard: Von den Menschen zwischen 14 und 29 jaar nur nur noch 32 Prozent das Angebot.

“We are aware of our radio on the Kernzeiten,” said Hager to Radio-Strategie and lured the “Morning Show” on HR1. It was no longer abolished. See and go those morning tunes, radio was heard in the mornings.

The bottom line is that the HR personal must. The Commission for the financing of the radio stations has started preparing other Wahl. The reason is an Abbau of 15 percent of the positions. It is not even that Hager, we will have received an Abbau program with alternative times. Factually, the savings program means that only every fifth position will be set. “That is quickly a stopgap.”

Collaboration statt Fusion with others Sendern

While the Frage, now a strategy for the radio, is not one of the Fernsehen, says Hager, the Bewegtbildstrategy has been workable for a long time, since 2019. I HR-Fernsehen konzentriere man sich op de Zeit from 16 to 20 Uhr. The „Hessenschau“ has a market of 20 prosent and liege damit vorn. Der HR stelle sich complementär zur ARD auf, man wolle nicht wie other Sender machen “eine bessere Tagesschau”.

Hager bekräftigte, dass die Lösung nicht in Fusionen with others Rundfunkanstalten liege. “I’m glad you don’t, that man is a part of it, wenn man sich einem Sender anschließt.” It is also correct, strengthened with others Sendern zu kooperieren.

The message that there is interest for the ARD-Vorsitz, dementiarte Hager nicht. There is everything that the HR as the largest company did not have the financing of the sender associations, which had the intention. Among the many Rahmenconditionen, the political setze, mitgestalten.