
Milliardenschwere Zusagen zur Finanzierung von Start-ups, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 18.09.2024

Milliardenschwere Zusagen zur Finanzierung von Start-ups, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 18.09.2024


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Berlin. A billion-dollar company has been put in the spotlight for the financing of start-up companies. They will invest one million euros in Wagniskapital in 2030, which the Federal Government and the state bank KfW have pointed to a start-up summit in Berlin.

Together with their observations there would be a shared understanding of the subject. These are Allianz, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank and US-Vermogensverwalter Blackrock, which are Deutsche Bank, Telekom and Henkel. In the past, investment and investment activities for start-ups have been in an international context.

The Wagniskapitalmarkt is an international example of a small example, such as the Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner (FDP). In the US, the publication of the Wirtschaftskraft is so big. Many German investors are waiting. That is also why the new initiative is so heavy. The head of the state bank KfW, Stefan Wintels, says that he has not earned 30 billion euros Wagniskapital for years, one of the United States. The KfW coordinates the new initiative. Minister of the Federal Economy Robert Habeck (Grüne) said that Germany has a problem, when things were going well, the waiting phase of start-ups to finance. Politics is now the Schulterschluss with the Wirtschaft. The start-up association that enables an investment project for venture capital investments until 2030 has generated annual financing of around 30 billion euros in Germany. Since it is more known that more private capitalizations are mobilizing for “Venture Capital” (Wagniskapital), under the supervision of institutional investors, there are several ways to invest. Zahlreiche Börsengänge young companies in the Aussereuropäischen Ausland führten zu einem erheblichen Wertschöpfungsverlust für den Standort Deutschland. (dpa/jW)