
Art and gender in the inscription

Art and gender in the inscription

The Hotel Castell in Zuozöffnete on Wednesday is ready for the exclusive Art Weekend. A special location, while art is not based on its costs, is one of the representatives of the Wirtschafts- and Finanzwelt in the world of art. Hostess Christine Abel spoke with about the lonely symbiosis.

With minus temperatures and snowfall, which are healthy in the Engadin region, the Hotel Castell collides with the perfect Rahmen for a cultural Auszeit on the art weekend. Tadashi Kawamatainternationally renowned Japanese wood sculptors, returned to their earlier working base and presented their final impressive works. In Hotel Castell, where the art of Schritt and Tritt is present, it is a matter of years with architecture and nature in a unique atmosphere.

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Das Hotel Castell, in front of the Holzterrasse des Künstlers Tadashi Kawamata (Photo: Hotel Castell)

A hotel, an art gallery and an Ort der Begegnung

«The guest comes here, to experience art – and the cast finds a way, to connect with art», it says Christine Abeldie Gastgeberin des Hauses, in Gespräch mit Abel, who comes from the financial sector and is in charge of the hotel business, concretely, the castle is more like a hotel: it is an Ort der Begeringen, the families and for all art.

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“You can reach heaven” by Carsten Höller in the Eingangshalle des Hotels (Bild:

Art as a USP of hotels

Art is one of the most important features of the Castell hotels. Neben Lifestyle and Genuss play a relaxing role in the guest’s stay. Everywhere in the hotel – in the lobby, in the flures, the dining rooms and even in the guest rooms – there are significant works of art. “It is a fact that there are many works of art that can see this and that can all mean something”, Abel says enthusiastically. The collection encompasses works of the crème de la crème of the international art world, no further than Swiss Greats who Roman signer, Fish-White, Pipilotti riceson of an international art teacher Carsten Höller, Steiner-Lenzlinger, Martin Kippenberger and James Turrell.

Art every category

A special highlight for Ruedi Bechtlerthe Owner of Hotels and passionate Artists, and the Works of the young Artists Julien Charrieredessen Kunstwerke den Eingangsbereich des written Stockwerks bespielen. «These miscellaneous effects on the development of artistic and artistic talents and the development of talented talents are essential for each other,’ says Abel.


Entrance to Skyspaces by James Turrell, directly to the hotel on an Anhöhe (Photo:

Die Kunstsammlung des Hotels: Ein Familienerbe

All works of art created in Hotel Castell are owned by the Bechtler family. “The hotel finances no art,” Abel explains. “The Sammlung is completely in Bechtler’s family and reflects in his slow Leidenschaft for art more broadly.” The light is on the hotel, a probable art collection of presenters, because of the art directly by the hotel business financing source.

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Sphäische Klänge von Magda Schwerzmann am Art Weekend in Skyspace von Turrell (Bild:

The sky is completely no

The Hotel Castell is suitable for its artwork and installation, through which most of the visitors extend. One of the highlights of the heraus is the «Skyspace Piz Uter» of the American-American Arts James Turrell. This installation is light in nature, through a roof opening in a stone roundabout of the standard changing play of light, clouds and colours in the sky. “It is a magical place, the guest, again fascinates”, said Abel. «It is no wonder that nature and art spend their time together.»

This installation was carried out for a year for hotel guests and external employees and a problem – at sunset and during the sunset, when the play of light in the sky becomes more intense.

A week with sculptures

The program of the art weekends is on the screen of the sculpture and comes across as a series of works of art treasures that do not appeal to the imagination. Tadashi Kawamata, Florian German and Gina Fish (die Tochter des Schweizer Künstlers Peter Fish) take the guests on a fascinating journey through his art.

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Tadashi Kawamata speaks am Art Weekend über seine Werke (Image:

«Was this Art Weekend out of power, is the interaction with the art teachers and art teachers», Abel explains. “It is not that a trockene-prince takes place, but the art and art teachers will not meet the guests in their world. The human being teaches us a little more about art – about personal development.» The combination of the three art functions works again and provides a more powerful dynamic.

Christine Abel and Matthias Wettstein Mathias BraschlerChristine Abel and Matthias Wettstein Mathias Braschler

The orientation saving Matthias Wettstein (left) and Christine Abel (right) (Image: Mathias Braschler)

Finanz und Kunst: Ein uberraschender Zusammenhang

Interesting is the close connection of the hotels in the financial sector. A guest of a house ends up in the financial sector and finds no experience here, often on the way to art. “Die Kunst in Castell will become human in a different way than Weise”, explains Abel, who himself went to war through KPMG. Abel realizes who the castle is, is often incomprehensible for the bridge between Art and Economy. “Many of my guests have been discovered here in the Leidenschaft für Kunst, that does not mean”, he said with a laugh. “And that is special: Art finds the people, not around.”

A play tower for the guests of tomorrow

In addition to the large installations and works of art, one of the best things a special attraction in the hotel garden has to offer is the Spielturm Martin Senn. “This Spielturm brought so much joy to our young guests,” said Abel. “If you are the guest tomorrow, and it is so beautiful, it will last a while in the world of art.”

The Hotel Castell offers you an artificial offer to guests who like to visit the Sammlung. Abends can go together with the «Skyspace Piz Uter» of Turrell with a light show that is practiced – a spectacle, that hotel can also receive external guests.

More information about Art Weekend and the arts events can be found under the link.