
Mikl-Leitner zum Hochwasserschutz –

Mikl-Leitner zum Hochwasserschutz –

The rainfall is an end to the end. The operation in the high water area is a slight tension. Has the Hochwasserschutz been lifted? In der ZIB2 is Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP), State Chief of Lower Austria, to the guest.

Mysterioser Angriff Mittels Pager

The conflict of Israel and the shooting Hisbollah-Militia could use their other sisters. With several coordinated explosions many slow radio receivers in Lebanon more people were received and quickly 3,000 people injured. Israel no longer has an official function. What is behind the explosions? In the ZIB2 this is a live report.

A tough job for Magnus Brunner

Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) is present in the new EU Commission for Migration.

ZIB2 with Armin Wolf, 10pm, ORF2

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