
Hisbollah soldiers in Lebanon: Tausendfacher Angriff per Pager

Hisbollah soldiers in Lebanon: Tausendfacher Angriff per Pager

Exploding Pager
Angry auf Hisbollah-Milizionare: Der Tod kam aus der Hosentasche

Explodierter Hisbollah-Pager in Lebanon

Explodierter Hisbollah-Pager in Lebanon

© private

The history of Hisbollah-Kader was spoiled by Pagern’s mysterious mass explosion in Lebanon. The Miliz picked up the Geräte first. Nun steht sie blamiert da.

“I thought, you had to have something,” said Ahmad Ahmad, Inhaber eines Krämerladens in Beiruter Viertel Basta einer stern-Mitarbeiterin for Ort Kurz after their Vorfall for seinem Geschäft. There has been a blast. Dann sei der Mann fallen on the Straße vom Mofa.

Wasn’t there yet: Zeitgleich has created a mysterious story in Lebanon. Von Tyros in Süden bis nach Hermel in Norden, von der Mittelmeermetropole Beirut bis nach Baalbek in der Bekaa-Hochebene und der Grenze zu Syrian. If you watch a room in social media, document one of the bizarre films: a video said a man in an obstruction, who was in a plastic package. Plötzlich begins seine Hose zu qualmen. Dann is impressed by a Hilfe-schreiend zu Boden. Another said a person in a supermarket. Plötzlich stood out. The cashier, full of joy in Tschador, flew away in a Hinterzimmer.

Knapp 4000 Verletzte, 500 schweben in Lebensgefahr

I showed the Lebanese Minister of Health the previous minister of attack: Acht Tote – one of the minor members of the parliament of Schiiten-Miliz – and 2750 Verletzte, one of the Botschaften in Iran in Lebanon. The Lebanese TV channel “al-Hadath” has received the broadcast of 3900 messages, of which 500 people probably gave their opinion.

Infirmary with injured people come to the hospital in Beirut and

Infirmary with injured people arrives in full überfüllten Notaufnahme eines Krankenhauses in Beirut and

© Marwan Naamani / DPA

No one can get angry. But der Suspect, the Israeli secret service, is known to everyone in Lebanon. It has quickly been a year since the Israeli army and Hisbollah conquered another part of the Israeli-Lebanon border area. Zehntausende Zivilisten since Dörfern und Stadt auf both Seiten der Grenze geflohen. Bei gezielt Angriffen hat Israel Hunderte Hisbollah-Kader liquidiert. With spectacular demonstrations of Israel’s air traffic, the Hisbollah increased the strength of the Israeli air force.

With the masses, Cyberangriff from Hosentaschen and Handyhaltern from Hisbollah soldiers must now make a new study of the Konflikt. Aufnahmen aus Krankenhäusern in Beirut said blutende Verwundete, manche mit offenbar schweren Gesichts- und Handverletzungen, others with klaffenden Fleischwunden am Bauch. A hospital in the Hisbollah-Hochburg Baalbek war was such a nuisance that patients were discussed on the Parkplatz. While the Straße von Beirut ends up in the Abend line of the Sirens of the Krankenwagen.

Hisbollah Pager “made in Taiwan”?

There are many mini mobility devices that use a pager that works in the use of the mobile phone. Whether the battery of the device explodes or contains the smallest words is unclear. One of the most common products is the Taiwanese manufacturer “Apollo Gold”. On your website you will find the companies that use small devices as free communication tools for appliances, sanitary ware, cleaning products and other disaster helpers. The history of the Pager first began with the tracing of its consequences, which as a security measure lead to digital infiltration by the American secret service. If the Israeli chef Hassan Nasrallah gave his own soldiers to the Monaten, Handys remains more concerned with his life.

Exploding Hisbollah-Pager: Ein Verletzter wird ins al-Zahraa-Krankenhaus in the southern part of the Lebanese Hauptstadt Beirut eingeliefert.

Exploding Hisbollah-Pager: Ein Verletzter wird ins al-Zahraa-Krankenhaus in the southern part of the Lebanese Hauptstadt Beirut eingeliefert.

© Hussein Malla/AP/dpa

For the mighty Miliz, the roads in the Raketen- and Drohnenrüstung as schlagkräftigster nicht-staatlicher Acteur der Welt gilt, the tausendfache Angriff is a Blamage von no dagewesenem Ausmaß. “That’s the biggest Niederlage seit Kerbala,” says a Hisbollah-critical Beobachter from Beirut am Abend zum stern. During the war of Kerbala in the year 680 after the Christ war, a group of rebels was one of the Prophets-Only Hussein in the bloody struggle that the Umayyad Caliphs Yazid-subdued. The Niederlage became the founding myth of the Shooters. The martyr Hussein is his current idol who shines in the history of his Hisbollah.

Do you want to perform a new escalation in Nahost?

In Lebanon and in Israel it is likely that there is a fragment, that the fear of a new escalation in the future can be assumed. These days we see in Israel Gerüchte, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wolle Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and by his partner Gideon Saar ersetzen – in Vorbereitung zu einer möglichen Militäraktion in Lebanon. The last week that the government of Netanyahu is responsible for the independence of the domestic Israeli citizens in the border area of ​​Lebanon, where they will live in war.

“What is the meaning of this operation?”, Excerpt from Israeli Secret Service expert Yossi Melman in a post on X. “How could this Secret Service asset not be better obtained for the day when a great war broke out and Israel marched into Lebanon?” Many Lebanese and Israelis end up in this world, but it is no longer the case that they can do this.

An attack on the attack: Hisbollah-Kader’s attack

There is no advantage to fear that it is wise. Many Hisbollah cadre fly when he no longer wants to, the Help will be like that. A Beobachter from Lebanon wrote on X: “Many of us were surprised to find that your neighbor, cousin or brother was listening to the secret network of Hisbollah.”

The man lasts honestly.