
Jahreshuptversammlung beste Wiederwahl van Direktoren van

Jahreshuptversammlung beste Wiederwahl van Direktoren van

WOOD DALE, IL – AAR Corp (NYSE:AIR), a researcher of air transportation services for commercial and government involvement, has conducted a very interesting study on the lightness of the hunt. In carrying out the work, the action is stimulated with more directional weizende Vorschläge ab.

A central point of communication between three Class I Directors for three hours until 2027. The Abstimmungsergebnisse in Einzelnen:

– Michael R. Boyce: 23,666,496 Ja-Stimmen, 8,580,803 Gegenstimmen, 6,703 Enthaltungen
– Billy J. Nolen: 31,012,875 Ja-Stimmen, 1,234,524 Gegenstimmen, 6,603 Enthaltungen
– Jennifer L. Vogel: 28,730,606 Ja-Stimmen, 3,516,703 Gegenstimmen, 6,693 Enthaltungen

The paving of the directors is safe for the connection to the underground structure. Together with the best hands, the strategic objectives of AAR Corp have been improved.

There are no personal divisions between financial aspects of the Tagesordnung. So the Vorschlag zur Vergütung der Führungskräfte für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 met deutlicher Mehrheit angenommen: 30,087,740 Stimmen dafür, 2,147,236 days and 19,026 Enthaltungen. This is a signal that the activities of the management structure are continuing.

Darüber was the best of the last century with the most recent experience of KPMG LLP, which ended the Wirtschaftsprüfer on May 31, 2025. The Abstimmung field with 32,850,091 Yes votes, 1,244,680 Against votes and 7,275 Enthaltungen ended up out.

These divisions are continued by the activities of the active company and the strategic development of AAR Corp. They form a solid group for the further development of the companies in a dynamic market area of ​​the aviation industry.

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