
Landtagswahl: Spitzenkansen: Keine Integration ohne festen Job

Landtagswahl: Spitzenkansen: Keine Integration ohne festen Job

A festive Beschäftigung is nach Einschätzung of CDU Spitzencandidate Jan Redmann Voraussetzung for a gelungen Integration von Zuwanderern in Brandenburg. «Wir qualifizierte Zuwanderung in verschiedenen Branchen», says the 44 years in a discussion of the Spitzenkansen zur Country tag selection I am RBB-Fernsehen. During the debate in Potsdam, the leading candidates of the Partei wenige Tage for the Landtagswahl zum einzigen Live-Duell in Fernsehen aufeinander will be discussed.

Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke fest, that is integration of Ausländern with the best of work functions. Who the SPD politician is arguing is the Spitzen candidate of the Freien Wähler, Péter Vida. Preparation for a healthy integration for a solid development.

Left-wing lead candidate Sebastian Walter War for more travel and complaints, which in Germany have a geführt migration debate with a qualified Zuwanderer abschrecke. Woidke spoke about a “Clima der Weltoffenheit” aus. «Fremdenfeindlichkeit harms unserem Land. In many cases it is possible that the SPD police will incorporate an Australian approach into Krankenhäusern with Blick.

AfD front-runner Hans-Christoph Berndt spoke about the fact that the German youth in Germany would make a statement abroad. Despite the high migration costs, the staff problem is as big as it could be. Left-wing front-runner Walter warned that he would treat the subject migration of staff and the asylum question issue with a mixture.

Also BSW lead candidate Robert Crumbach has applied for the qualification of qualified working forces, only “in parts”. “We other countries do not steal the best forces”, he said.

In Brandenburg, the Sonntag is a new Landtag. If there is an action, the AfD can be on the market. You will lose 28 percent of the votes. On the spot, two people lie dying SPD by 25 percent.

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