
30 Turngau-Tanzgruppen am Start

30 Turngau-Tanzgruppen am Start

Creative sports and choreographies of the “Hohenloher Dance Cup”, for the 1930s small and large Turngau dance groups after Weikersheim came.

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Weikersheim. Let yourself be loaded by the Turngau Hohenlohe and the Sportkreis-Jugend Hohenlohe to the Hohenloher Dance Cup in September – in the same year after Weikersheim, where the TSV Weikersheim is not now with the appropriate Australian Großsporthalle, impressed by the many volatile Helferinnen and Helfern der Turnabteilung als perfekter Gastgeber-präsentierte. 30 ambitious Tanzgruppen with eleven Vereinen follow in the Turngaubereich.

The Orga-Team works together with the Wecker of Halle, Umkleiden and of course the Futterkrippe, which can influence the Hallenoffnung for its active functioning.

Barbie choreography passion

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Dance Cup

House edge for four teams


Hohenloher Dance Cup

30 Mannschaften in Weikersheim dabei


Der Spieltag in Bezirk Franken

VfB Bad Mergentheim holt ersten Punkt


Aufwärmen, Dehnen, Eintanzen, letzte Tipps austauschen, veldleicht noch mal reinhören in de Musik; Herzklopfen? Sitzen Frisur, Maske, Kostüm? One of the categories “Dance experience” reported Groups: Since all Requisites da?

Sechs Formationen schickte der TV Conweiler in de Wettbewerb, your four teams are active at DJK TSV Bieringen, at TSV Niedernhall and at SV Sindelbachtal. With two ensembles, the TSV Ingelfingen and the SV Mulfingen Tanzgeist Öhringen were present. This is a unique group of people who can at best be seen by the Gymnastics and Sport Clubs of Dörzbach, Regglisweiler and Weissbach: The 11- to 14-year “MaVie” Mädchen from Dörzbach started the public with a nice presentation of the Strich Gebürsteten Barbie- Choreography; The “Crazy Girls” of TSV Regglisweiler comes out of the audience in a Meereswelt, in his best Taucher without any effort.

The professional judge on the creative sports performance in the Feld Dance Experience on a first place. A high degree of ambition is ambitious and attacking Formel 1-affine Weissbacher „Alfiriel“-Team with the Wettkampfsieg in Feld Advanced Erwachsene. If you experience the first, second and third place of your jewelry, they will all end up in your personal messages.

Let it be clear, that you can see all the active fantastic lessons and play the Hohenloher Dance Cup with some straight rights.

Also free dance forms

It was assessed in the basic range in the three alternative groups children, youth and adults 18-plus. Advanced dance presentations in a youth ensemble and four adults 18-plus formations; in the free dance forms “Dance Experience” and “DanceNewStyl(z)” the group lessons are put together for the received applause of the densely invested performances. They combine Cowboys and Indians in a precious “Schuh des Manitu”-Interpretation (“FauxPas”, TV Conweiler), entfachte “Kontrast” (SV Mulfingen) a modern Karnevals-Feuer work, lud “JustP” (GSV Pleidelsheim) in a kunsterbunte Märchenwelt.

With end ringlichem Ausdruckstanz steuerte „The Final Movement“ (TSV Niedernhall) aufrüttelnd-nachdenkliche Emotions bei and „MDS Apus“ (Tanzgeist Öhringen) stiftete Momente der Hoffnung. Before the Niedernhaller Formation „Dancers Spotlight“ with his best Sherlock Holmes is set on such diamonds and played in the Welt der Formel 1, „Out of Control“ (TSV Ingelfingen) is played as „Alfiriel“ (TSV Weissbach). A class ahead: The “Hip Hop JS Company” of the Öhringer Tanzgeist.

Alle Kompanien punkteten nicht nur met sportlichen Top-Leistungen und inspiring Teamgeist, nahmen das Publikum met zündender Kreativität mit een num berfaits und facettenreiche Reise durch de bunte Welt des Tanzens.

Make sure that the whole year is spent starting, while the leap to the individuality of the Sahnehäubchen is not even a gelungen yet, perfect vom Turngau and the Weikersheimer Gastgebern organizers who are accident-free Wettkampftag.

Fantastic sea world show

I am Wettkampf Basic Kinder Dance invested by the Gruppe “Monchichi” (TV Conweiler) with 11.35 Gesamtpunkten on the first Platz. Beim Wettkampf Basic Jugend Dansstand „Dance in Line“ (SV Mulfingen) with 12.50 Punkten gauf dem Treppchen, beim Basic Wettkampf Erwachsene 18-plus- Dance powers „Las Taradas“ (DJK TSV Bieringen) with 13.95 Punkten from Run. “Kontrast” (SV Mulfingen) invests as a group in the Wettkampf Advanced Jugend Dance with ihrem letzten Auftritt in dieser Formation with 19.80 the Platz ganz oben. With 21.10 points, “Alfiriel” (TSV Weissbach) was just ahead of the “Dancers Spotlight” (TSV Niedernhall) with 21.00 points.

Other people as a “reforming” war can perform for the Dance Experience- Meereswelt-Show of the four-year-old active Ensembles of TSV Regglisweiler and the “Hip Hop IS Company” (Tanzgeist Öhringen), as a group in DanceNewStyl(z) anthracite.

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