
Drama on Party Boat on the Spree – New Injured

Drama on Party Boat on the Spree – New Injured

Bigger Schreck auf a Partyboot at Abend: Plötzlich stürzt die Decke ain es gibt velde Verletzte. The active mode.

Beim Einsturz eines Daches auf a Partyboot in de Nähe der Fischerinsel since nach Angaben der Feuerwehr new Menschen be letzt be. Vier davon seien schwer verletzt, teilte de Feuerwehr am Abend mit. It is nice to enjoy the incident in the Spree, now that there are few losses.

In total, around 120 people would have been on the boat. There was a party society that traded, but the war would no longer exist. If you notice the problem and the Ursache is no longer clear.

The Feuerwehr war with a big bot on the Fischerinsel in Einsatz. The water that accumulates and solves the problem can take a few seconds. It may be that there are no other people in the water.

Laut der Feuerwehr must interrogate people and anschließend vom Rettungsdienst were regretted. Die Verletzten würden in umliegenden Krankenhäuser. There is a rettungshubschrauber war in Einsatz.