
Keine symptom? Mental illness often goes unnoticed

Keine symptom? Mental illness often goes unnoticed

No symptoms, no problem? Falsch! Mental illness often goes unnoticed

The spread of sexual infections will be reduced to 2030. Let the Myths system light up and the risk situations will be tested.

Image: Andrew Brookes/Getty

It is fun for people to know that an HIV infection can be prevented by a Kiss. It is most effective if the result is active population control. “I am always the one who knows few men who have sexual problems and who are prone to infections,” says Dominique Braun, Head of Sexual Health Research at the Universitätsspital Zurich. The infection research and the team want to carry out a research project with healthcare representatives, who will connect Schweizerinnen and Schweizer with HIV informants. The result was not published at first, but Braun reported that it was finished: it is worth it. For the sake of argument, it would be fragmented by certain individuals, it is a simple task to treat the protection of the HI virus against hindered prevention.

If you have sex with its spread, it is very important that HIV infection in Switzerland decreases jährlich, but the diagnosis of others reports about sexual infections with Chlamydia or Gonorrhea (such as Tripper) at. In the year 2022, the Federal Office for Health and Safety was 371 HIV-Fälle reported. In the 1990s there were no more than 1300 falls. The Anzahl Notifications regarding Chlamydien is deutlich höher: 2023 were insgesamt 12’708 Fälle – 55 Prozent davon were weiblich. If you act, this is a very serious report of mild sexual infection. Weiter refer die 6102 Gonorrhoe-Fälle op 81 Prozent Männer. Insgesamt were in 2023 three and a half years ago, so fell for 100,000 Einwohner als noch for zehn Jahren. In this season the syphilis disease was founded in 70 years. 1104 Fälle wurden 2023 insgemt verzeichnet.

Soul: In sechs there can be no question of HIV medication

If you report sexual infections, you can perform the BAC analysis before taking the test and the costs of the tests are sunk. A positive Entwicklung, so Braun. If you have tested and tried more, this can be discussed more. The Bund-strebt nämlich action with the national program “Stop HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C Virus and sexual übertragene infections” (NAPS) a trend. The Verbreitung of sexual infections will be deutlich zinken by 2030. Other people who suffer from Syphilis, HPV (Humanes Papillomavirus), Mpox (Affenpocken) and Gonorrhea. What matters is that other people use the sensitivity of the population to make a lower use of test sets and treatment offers. The ambitious test of the programs: until 2030 will cause no further spread of HIV and the hepatitis B and C virus.

Want to be a better man, do you want to take a test? If the symptoms of the disease of the penis or vagina disappear, it is possible that the severity of the infection is serious if there is an infection, it is always so heavy that eight risk situations can occur. Denn: “People who have an infection with a sexual infection are symptomatically poisoned – that is not the case,” warned Dominique Braun. A serious infection causes symptoms quickly or not.

Start a new investigation by testing for HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. It is a question of checking, if we have a sexual relationship with a game if a man has sex with people from groups with a high degree of risk. The awareness campaign of love life is carried out by tests among other men, the sex with men who have sex, so that they can have sex themselves. Braun Wären Tests are a sexual partner and risk-overhalten that you can get if you have a bad month. Individualization of the Safer-Sex-Check of the Love-Life-Campaign.

Oral sex without a condom

Solche Tests can be performed by professionals. It is not that the tests were first performed by a certain time. An HIV infection is the Aids-Hilfe-Switzerland early 15 days after the risk situation recognizable. The connection can be a test that is first performed when the sex is performed. The recognition of Gonorrhoea as well as Chlamydia is early after two weeks possible.

Daneben is of course also other weighty masses, the protection beet. Or as Polo Hofer described in the 1980s the confrontation of the AIDS epidemic: “Before starting at least a rubber drum.” Condoms protect against HIV and reduce the risk of other sexual infections. This is not the case with Nonplusultra. “Condoms do not protect completely,” says Braun. The infections can be slightly affected. This does not apply to bacterial infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. If you have found a condom that does not allow vaginal sex to flourish, the chance of oral or anal sex is reduced. A connection is if you use the sperm and separation function of the sex game or by contact with the infizierter schleimhaut or lassionen, if there are no condoms, this may be the case.

Vaginal condoms, Lecktuch and Impfung

Was not sure: Condom is no longer for men. The vaginal condom is protected against HIV. Also in oral use is protection by a latex-possible lecktuch. These are formed as a barrier by the vulva or the anus. There are some sexual infections that can occur with infections. Employers were infected with Hepatitis B and die from HPV.

And what else is going on? If it is a positive result, Dominique Braun plans to resume sexual contacts with them. Bacterial infections with gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis can be treated with antibiotic treatment. What is a fresh diagnosis? According to the Federal Office for Health, HPV infection cures 90 percent of cases within two years of self-death. There is no treatment for HPV. However, you may experience symptoms that occur or if there is a Krebserkrankungen therapy. An infection with genital herpes or hepatitis B can be discussed, but will not be cured.