
Dortmund spricht with Kehlüber Verlängerung

Dortmund spricht with Kehlüber Verlängerung

Borussia Dortmund receives more information about “Sport Bild” with a Vertragsverlängerung from Sports Director Sebastian Kehl. Der 44-Jährige ist derzeit noch bis kommenden Sommer und de Fußball-Bundesligisten gebunden. The company boss of the sports director Lars Ricken has arranged a conversation with Kehl, he is stated in the message. Inhaltliche Verhandlungen zur Vertragsausgestaltung sei es dabei aber noch nicht geleidingen.

Kehl is said to have made the announcement of the summer transfers of the Champions League teammates. After Rickens’ recovery for the BVB boss, Kehl is seen as a loser – there is only interest in the posts. Make sure that the attention of ex-pros goes on their journey.

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