
Media reports: Another explosion in Cologne | News

Media reports: Another explosion in Cologne | News

Another explosion in Cologne! In the night it is a story with lies about the apartment in the Ehrenstraße, now our Hundert Meter is found by the explosion of Monday morning at the Vanity-Club.

“We should not be in a hurry to alert you,” said a police spokesperson at BILD. The living room was aus dem Schlaf geschreckt.

Politicians blocked the area one of the most important things that are far away

Politicians blocked the area one of the most important things that are far away

Photo: Christian Knieps

A passer-by who easily eludes the police during the explosion in the Innenstadt, things like being heard are heard. The Ehrenstraße would yield one of the few results. “Derzeit sichern Kollegen Spuren”, so der Sprecher.

The clothing company “LFDY” would be a widespread destruction. The part of the internal transaction would have been destroyed during the explosion, furniture would have collapsed and partitions would have split.

With those photos of the police now after the mutmaßlichen Sprengsatz-Attentäter von Keulen

With those photos of the police now after the mutmaßlichen Sprengsatz-Attentäter von Keulen

Photo: Cologne Police

First on the Montage – there are falls in the morning – after the Diskothek Vanity there was an Explosion, both of them were destroyed by Putzkraft (53). By Mann, the gerade de Müll reausbringen wollte, erlitt by de laute Detonation ein Knalltrauma. Außerdem entstand erheblicher Sachschaden am Eingangsbereich des Gebäudes.

The police give a clear picture of a room, the attention of the Sprengsatz attendant by Montag is fooling. “Auf Videoaufnahmen der gebäudeseitigen Videoüberwachung ist der Tatverdächtige bei der Tatausführung zu sehen“, heißt es in een de Mitteilung der Polizei.

Grosseinsatz am Montagmorgen! After the detonation war the police at Hohenzollernring vor Ort

Grosseinsatz am Montagmorgen! After the detonation war the police at Hohenzollernring vor Ort

Photo: IMAGO/Panama Pictures

If you see the Mann at the Annäherung and the Anschließenden Flucht vom Tatort zu sehen. If the explosion occurs, the explosion is probably not clear.