
Jutta Knoll Deutsche Meisterin der Beersommeliers

Jutta Knoll Deutsche Meisterin der Beersommeliers

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Jutta Knoll Deutsche Meisterin der Beersommeliers
German Master of Beer Sommeliers: Jutta Knoll from Bonn guided the jury in the final round with other people with their wisdom about the beer type porter and the Brauerei Störtebeker from Stralsund. © Doemens

Who are Germany’s best beer sommeliers? You will continue for a year with the Deutschen Meisterschaft at the Gräfelfinger Brauakademie Doemens. 40 candidates will treat diesmal an. There is no question of a finer-geschmack, but the Wissen-war is fragmented. With Jutta Knoll it has become a real woman.

Engraving – Schon der Vormittag war against Spaziergang. Das Beschreiben von beerigen Geschmackseindrücken war genauso gefordert wie das Absolvieren von Wissenstests. “Wir wollen schließlich nicht nur good Nasen, sondern auch good Köpfe”, said Doemens-Geschäftsführer Werner Gloßner zum Auftakt der Endausscheidung, who am Nachmittag über that Bühne went.

Each of the final finalists, two women and four men, had a paper cross between German beer and beer. Danach sollte der „Bierstil“ was written, with a boldness, character and character. Follow the following Geschmacksnoten, the basic principles of the brewery, everything based on a “Food Pairing”: an Empefehlung, was zum special beer essential technical passenger values.

The top jury – which is a brewery association from Switzerland and Austria – considered the “Haltungsnote” due to the “Haltungsnote”, also at the Candidates’ Meeting, was happy to receive the Biersommeliers’ guests in the restaurant. If you give a hint about brauverfahren and brauereien, it is not possible to do anything else, but also to be sympathetically transported.

In the back of this mind, Jutta Knoll has made a laurel wreath. Gewandt erklärte sie, woher “Porter” signals hat – a stärkender Tropfen für die Träger in Londoner Hafen – and woher the Bezeichnung der Stralsunder Brauerei comes: “Störtebeker heißt eigentlich ‚Stürz den Becher’.” Thorsten Sander from Hannover drank a wheat beer and Met a show effect: A tall glass has come out of the Sakko, while the Verkostungs-Schwenker never sees the beer anymore. Freilich übersah Sander vor lauter Zauberei de Beschreibung der Braustätte, Franziskaner’.

Peter Heßler from Fürth called a Berliner Bier, but the most important Mediziner remained very short. Matthias Willig from Aschaffenburg wrote a „Westcoast IPA“ from Bayreuth and the power of the Zuherern de Mund was, as his „Asian inspired Bier“ an „Shrimp Pizza with Curryschmand“ imaginary.

The young Melanie Lautenegger still has no right to a “Camba Melon Flash” from the Chiemgauer Craftbier scene and a lot of attention has been paid to the edge of a Melone, which in Grüne stores: “Innovative notes, without the consumers in the upper order”, before the Leipzigerin and the recommendation of Pfifferlinge with fresh Pfeffer and Zitronenspalte. The war in the jury war was enormous, when this Leistung lagged behind, his alternative was ten times there. Consistently, Franz Uhlig, in the hand of the alcohol-free Augustiner poetic word: “A golden barrel, as if the sun were to appear again from draußen.” Der Leipziger entfaltete uffangreiches Wissen über die Münchner Brauerei en emptfahl zum “obergesunden Getränk” Salat with Tofustreifen and Himbeeressenz.

One of the stunde später stands that Sieger fest: Gleich zweimal Leipzig – with 439 points for Melanie Lautenegger and 443 for Franz Uhlig alias „Dr. Hop“. The Goldpokal with 446 people went to the first wife of Bonnerin Jutta Knoll, who probably formed the most satz of the nachmittags: „Beim Biergenuss is a challenge, which comes together with people. It is a social kitt for the society.“

Auch Doemens met Verkoster und Zuschauer wieder nicht ammenbringen, wennnämlich Mitte September 2025 de Weltmeisterschaft der Biersommeliers ausgetragen, met der Vorrunde in Gräfelfing und der Endrunde auf dem Münchener Messegelände.