
Senior travel to Kufstein: Piringsdorfer Senioren erkunden Tyrol

Senior travel to Kufstein: Piringsdorfer Senioren erkunden Tyrol

The Burgenländische Seniorenbund from the Mittelburgenland-macht kürzlich een morehrtägigen Ausflug nach Tirol. The insgesamt 48 Seniors from the Ortsgruppen travel with Blaguss Reisen.

PIRINGSDORF/KUFSTEIN. Während der lang Fahrt nach Tyrol makes the Seniors group Pause Eugendorf in the Salzkammergut You can also enjoy a Mittagsbuffet with your Gastagwirt. After all the refreshments and departures had been made, the journey continued towards Kufstein. This can be a problem Guidance through Kufstein authorized. First danach bezog de Gruppe ihr Hotel “Der Reschenhof” in Mils and lies the Anreisetag Ausklingen.

Bei der Schanzenführung am Berg Isel. | Photo: Albert Maschler

Jump guidance on Berg Isel

Am Nächsten Morgen nach een ausgiebigen Frühstück die Reise weiter nach Innsbruck. There is no interesting city function after the Group is a single company function Mountain Isel teil, we were informed about history and architecture.
One of our guests goes to the Schanzenturm in the Sky-Restaurant. Then the senior group got a preview of two Ski instructorsthe only jump on the artificial mat of the full scale. Neither am I able to visit the Glockengießerei Grasmayrwhere the Bauweise der Glocken informs and had the best products, was known. At the end of the day a visit was made in the Noble distillery Oberdorfer wee es neben Information about Kostproben, gab.

Crystal glass fibers

I am the tour guide of the Senior Group and a Führung Rattenbergthe smallest city in Austria, and visited it Kristallglaschleiferei KisslingerWe bought Souvenirs for the loved ones from the House. After a description of the merry fried farms in Kramsachwe can speak on the Grabschilderen as we take the Gruppe further to Lake Achensee. Dort wurde a Bootsfahrt with Kuchen and Kaffee gemacht and in Anschluss fuhren sie with a Dampfeisenbahn. Der letzte Abend in Tirol can be more elegant Tyrolean cuisine and music and tanz, freudvoll zu End gehen.

The Piringsdorfer Seniorengruppe form Goldenen Dachl. | Photo: Albert Maschler

Swarovski Crystal Worlds

On the Rückweg in Mittelburgenland neither the Group nor both of them left Swarovski Crystal Worlds in Cotton wool stehen wed die Ausstellungsräume dear aunt and some Mitbringsel were purchased. Mittagessen enters Saint Leonhard/Grödig i am Hotel restaurant Untersberg. The trip, made by the friendly bus driver Barbara, was a full one for the 48-member senior group.

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