
Britta Ermrich rückt und de Spitze des “Spiegel”-Vermarkters

Britta Ermrich rückt und de Spitze des “Spiegel”-Vermarkters

Britta Ermrich followed one of the Spitze von Spiegel Media on Hannes Engler, who was invited to leave the Unternehmen in September. There is “a own Wunsch, a new commotion of the woman”, he is a dam. In Ermrichs Windschatten Bastian Nissen goes to: There is a stellvertretender Leiter of the Vermarkters der Spiegel-Gruppe at Mark-Olaf Winter.

“With Britta Ermrich has had a new Leiterin financing, which will last for many years and will never act as Managing Director of the manufacturer of the Weiterentwicklung of Spiegel Media, which works as well as possible,” wrote Stefan Ottlitz, Managing Director of Spiegel-Verlags, in one of the Mitteilungs. Ermrich focused on the fact that he was on the “Ausbau and the new development of the new model model” and was intensively engaged in the sale of digital and media-related products, “a common potential in the classic market development”.

Ermrich, 48, since 2024, leading Leiterin von Spiegel Media. In 2020, as Managing Director of Spiegel Media, he will become a production specialist, the largest and most creative company that specializes in all communication channels and media. In 1996 at Spiegel Media, we include the Bereich Ad Specials with upgraded and Bereich Native Advertising-führte.

The ebenfalls before Bastian Nissen, 43, has been Leiter Strategy Sales since 2020. The Spiegel Media and war came on sale for the Frankfurter Verlagsbüro-tätig in 2014. 2016 wechselte is als Büroleiter ins Münchner Verlagsbüro. Before joining Spiegel-Verlag, Nissen was Account Manager in Bauer Media’s Verlagsbüro Mitte and Key Account Manager at Holtzbrinck-Tochter Booming in Munich.