
Why one of the Powernap may not work so well anymore

Why one of the Powernap may not work so well anymore

If the seriousness of the city Thomas Kumbernus in Leipzig, the party participating in the struggle with a part of the Arbeitszeit in the Rathaus meint, it will be more likely – it is a matter of being part of my unconventional, satirical ideas. And yet it is an idea to get an idea – a way to help people, to let the gesamten appear in the images and to create permanent creative output.

The noon sleep sounds like pure error and is – most of all in our cultural journey – perverted, when it is not taboo. In a private Asian company more or more ritual power collections can reform no remains. It might be a good idea to let the noon sleep work, to compensate the man who gets the august power, to refuel for 15 minutes and then again full of einsatzfähig is, to stand with the swallowed and the fallen august to fight.

Whoever is the Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin Maria Schumann in the 3n-Gespräch-erklärt, can have a Mittagsschlaf of 15 to 20 Minutes during the beitraging, if you are then still a single person. It takes longer before the Ganze is no longer aware of the fact that you have not fallen into a temporary phase, because you so quickly no longer “hold the system in high regard”. Auch Schlafforscher preach, that two Schlafphases im Laufe of 24 Stunden dem mensschlichen Biorhythmus entgegenkommen und dazu beitragen können, Stress abzubauen and Leistungsfähigkeit wieder herzustellen. The idea of ​​the “Powernap” was also less good.

Midday sleep is about the home office and – and it is no longer possible

If we have the free time of the home office, this time can be integrated into the entire labor market – and if so, the couch or the bed will still not be so good. It is the most zielführender when it comes to stunden by swingen and the diaphragm now with muhe by meistern. Make sure that the stress hormone is spread and that the disease is injected.

It is possible that the Mittagsschlaf of the Risiko of Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen is reduced, so that a direct and terminated Causality is not possible. Wahrscheinlich, so our Mediziner: for a few years, bestht aber zummindest a Zusammenhang with more Achtsamkeit for the own Körper, who themselves with that noticeable power, that man sich the small Auszeit am Nachmittag gont.

Ganz is so happy with Salvador Dali that he doesn’t want to work anymore: Von dem Maler is überliefert, that is the Powernap in a session and a lazy hand in the hand. Schlief is a entspannte sich, the field of the Löffel on the ground of the muskusulatures that are there – and the Künstler is waiting for whoever. See how you can use the timer on your smartphone …

Power nap in the Büroalltag is a Schreibtisch possible

Schwieriger would do everything in a Büromgebung. When you undertake some of the research in Silicon Valley, report that you can set up a Schlafoder massage session, in the form of a few minutes of zurückziehen-können, while the normal Büroang-gestellte eher seinen Schreibtische stuhl zur Verfügung haben. This can be a man who takes minutes of his time – especially jene, who is not in the large workspace. Alternatively, it is most possible in the summer of a few months, for a few minutes of a bank or a quiet bank in the search results.

Is this a sad sign? No – it is more sad when you are fighting with the rising eyes in the next meeting or making it through the entire afternoon. It is also the case that when the member states are examining the midday sleep in the phase of the clean-up phase, it often happens that mental health and anxiety about stress and a major problem are a topic, that is all occupational.

If you see a condemnation of the rules, which in the Leipzig city streets the things that the intestines do, should do, this should happen. Denn Kumbernuß argues: “The daily Midday sleep is like working time to inherit. There is an inner time of working time during and a frühestens a stunde after working time begin and spätestens a stunde before the end of the evening. All decisions with more information about working time on the day are one-sided from the Regelung. “Even the Leipzig Left Faction, of the Kumbernus in the Ratsersammlung geheard, removed from the Idea. In the course of time of the Antragsteller with more or less serious consequences for a good idea of ​​a Bärendienst erwiesen haben.

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