
CB-Funk #83: Which Chatbot Can Use the Best Gaming PC?

CB-Funk #83: Which Chatbot Can Use the Best Gaming PC?

Which Chatbot Can Use The Best Gaming PC? Andy, who has AI on ComputerBase, and Jan have in CB-Funk Episode 83 ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot the help to attract gaming PCs for up to 1,000 euros and a financial limit for non-expansion. Who wants the Achebnisse? Let themselves build the Rechner?

ChatGPT vs Gemini vs Copilot

The three chatbots can be used at once (hint a login) free of charge Variant used, also with additional chargeable Zusatzfunctions. Those that always gleichen, in deutsch eingereichten Prompts were the following:

I will build a new Gaming PC. Erstelle is a high-end configuration. List of individual components with prices in a table.

Ask for the high-end gaming PC

If I want to buy a new gaming pc, the system costs only 1000 euros. Erstelle mir a configuration. List of the individual components with prices in a table.

Ask for a 1,000 euro gaming PC

Der Podcast zum Schlagabtausch

About the Chatbots as an antwort configuration and the quality of the AI ​​tools was so low that Andy and Jan were killed in CB-Funk #83.

Fundamentally positive: All systems are designed to run their CPU with a suitable motherboard and the right performance. But perfect were the answers not: Google Gemini has the price of the High-End-Configuration with Beispiel exactly 1,000 Euro fared.

If you are technically critical, you can use a stelle to learn, a next community immunity is not possible. More details in podcast.

If you reach the community, you will quickly go 20 years further with the FAQ of the ideal gaming PC on the ComputerBase forum, it is one of the many configurations that you can use. You can request the following in the tabular form.

The following tables are shown in 1:1 with the chat verification with the jewelry of the chatbot. These twin sisters ensure that the special Gemini is no longer fragmented by the development that has the overarching effect.

ChatGPT and Gemini have made a hinge, while the Preise swings can, Gemini uses a utility of a price-issuing machine with Geizhals gears. The copilot is not ready.

The configuration of ChatGPT

If you want to expand on this, ChatGPT has made an Intel and an AMD generated alternative for the CPU available, as well as matching motherboards.

The High-End Gaming PC

For the 1,000 Euro PC that ChatGPT has set up on an AM4 platform, the limit of 1,000 Euro with an entry of 860 Euro is significantly unwritten.

The 1,000 Euro Gaming PC

The Gemini Configs

Gemini’s Wahl is a high-end machine on Intel, which here sees the RTX 4090 with Einsatz. The total amount that the chatbot has, there is no amount of 5,430 euros included in the amount of the bounty, which is worth about 1,000 euros.

The High-End Gaming PC

If you use ChatGPT as a Gemini with Budget-Limit on an AM5 platform, you could lie that budget goes from 1,000 euros to 10 euros and no longer costs 140 euros at ChatGPT.

The 1,000 Euro Gaming PC

The contours of Copilot

The copilot sees on the high-end PC as a chatbot activates an X3D processor from the cabin. The average price for the Bot falls: 4,441 Euro. With a price of 249 euros for the bot, the price for the 990 Pro with 2 TB is paid – from 180 to 350 euros war for everything.

The High-End Gaming PC

Beim 1.000-Euro-PC greift auch der Copilot auf de 7500F zurück and niehmt es beim Preis ganz genau: Nur in diesem Fall wurden die Preise mit (underschiedlich lagen) Nachkommastellen angegeben. If the chatbot doesn’t work, I’m finally cheating on a budget.

The 1,000 Euro Gaming PC

The abstinence

Which configuration, the chatbots that are added even more or used more often, is the end of the stimulation? Look at the background of your own information about the comments that the editors so freuen.

Which Chatbot configuration do I want to use?
  • ChatGPT – High Quality

  • ChatGPT – 1,000 euros

  • Gemini – High-End

  • Twins – 1,000 Euro

  • Copilot – High Quality

  • Co-pilot – 1,000 Euro

  • no gar

As interesting as the Editorial is, the community in this world can see the great positive growth or great construction of chatbots.

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