
Pangea Life YouGov Study 2024: Befragte sehen in Sachwert-Investments größten nachhaltigen Hebel

Pangea Life YouGov Study 2024: Befragte sehen in Sachwert-Investments größten nachhaltigen Hebel

Munich (ots) –

– A new bevölkerungsrepräsentative Umfrage von YouGov und Pangea Life liefert Einsichten in Einstellungen und Präferenzen zum Thema nachhaltige Geldanlage
– Befragte claim Sachwerte / Real Assets (17%) and Aktien (16%) as Anlageklasses with the greater potential impact
– As a sector with the effective leverage for sustainable investments in most energy sector (32%), technology (22%) and residential construction (20%); Security / Equipment (9%) no longer looks sustainable
– Nachhaltige Investments sollten for allm grifbar and transparent signal (73%), a concrete Wirkung erzielen (70%) and not little Rendite as herkömmliche Productenbringen (67%)
– Geteiltes Bild bei der Meinung zum positiven Beitrag grüner Investments: 33% see (eher) keinen Beitrag, 26% since unschlüssig, 23% recognize (eher) positiven Beitrag
– Increased overall productivity of the Portfolio monatlich (34%), which was regularly implemented for proactive consideration.

The market for sustainable investment funds is as little as possible, what the institutions and the preferences in the investment are. In a year full of political prosperity and global criticism, the beautiful Pangea Life of the Meinungsforschungsinstituut YouGov, a herauszufinden, (potential) Anleger at the Theme Sustainable Finance bewegt moved: Which asset classes are considered attractive? Which sectors are facing a sustainable investment violation? And was there more green product available? Respond to the new population representative Pangea Life YouGov study “Sustainable Investment Fund 2024” (Reporting period: 16 to 18 August 2024) until 2026 adults (from 18 years).

Aktien, Real Assets, buy or Krypto? Two clear favorites

If a responsible Money is a wool loan, it may be that it is one of the best asset classes that is separated. Is it so that the analysis of the investments is carried out in the future?

Die Studienteilnehmer know two clear Favorite: On the m ersten Platz lands with 17% of the Reale Sachwerte, working in the Umfrage exemplary infrastructure projects, Real Estate, Rohstoffe and der Bereich Energiezeugung were generated. The coverage of the Aktien (Einzelaktien, ETFs, Aktienfonds) follows with 16%. Kryptowährungen (5%) und Staats und unternehmensanleihen (5%) nennen Befragte in diesem Kontext deutlich seltener. Interesting: if you look at the student finance of the larger economy, you will be able to invest 13% in your own investment in your own financial class (in comparison: Aktien 31%).

“An overview of the general themes in the asset class may move around the world, while Real Assets make the largest sustainable investments,” says Daniel Regensburger, Managing Director at Pangea Life. “When we know the best results of the company, the interest and growth of the stock market has increased strongly. The transparency of the factories and the great financial support in investing in the future are more people and things with regard to the energy infrastructure projects who can use their capital or a sustainable real estate – often there is diversification in the best results of business portfolios.

Nachhaltige Wende bij Rüstungswerten? Kein “Ukraine effect” on a broader basis

If the EU taxonomy energy sources recognizes atoms and energy sources (under the best conditions) as sustainable anernnt, a controversial discussion is one of the sustainable investment sectors for a long time. Before the background of the Russian fears in the Ukraine increases the fragmentation, or a rusty service as a sustainable anlage can not be carried out. The annoyance of the study is now, that the sector “Security / Rust” on a basis that is not based on a positive effect on sustainable exploration – with 9% he sees here comparatively few Reports a entsprechendes Potenzial.

Otherwise, the Einschätzung beim Thema “Energy” (32%) – der Bereich, for the Anleger the largest Hebel for a positive Change in the Money Danlage sehen. Stay informed about the Rang zwei Technology (22%) and the Wohnungsbau (20%).

Daniel Regensburger: “If the sector makes a different distinction than before the Ukraine War, the interest in the orientation of the economy is greater. Urgent redevelopments that are the energy of the energy transition and the attention for the exalted Wohnraummangels in the unserene Stadtführen, that Investors who have a positive story recognize that the young AI hype is a bigger factor, which can use the theme technology in the sustainable investment fantasy and can deliver the large quantities of potentially identifiable products. ”

The perfect sustainable product: transparent, with impact and without a return on investment

If the money invests nachhaltig, what the quality of the Wahl is. When it comes to the question, there are many brands and acquaintances who know more: the study for the production, the products, the quality and the transparency, are usually immune to 73%. If you follow the following investments, there is an investment (70%) and a return effect. If the nachhaltige amount is no longer displayed as herkömmliche products, you see that the drops are all so fragmented (67%).

“Untransparent and the fact that one of the lasting effects in the lasting financial system is the most important No-Go’s”, says Daniel Regensburger. “It takes a long time for products to be sold on the market, while a legally valid yield brings light into the Black Box when green investment investments play a major role, which can yield a major manifestation.”

Gretchenfrage: How about investing in the world?

Do you have a question about the curious analysis of the study on the content of one of the fundamentals that you want to know: if you notice the problem, the personal analysis is a positive decision on a certain issue of the world that you can read?

The Ergebnisse zeichnen ein geteiltes Bild: Eine Mehrheit von 33% is skeptical and testifies to entsprechenden Products (eher) keinen Beitrag, gegenüber 26%, die in that Frage (noch) unschlüssig sind and 23% all Teilnehmer, who of the positive Wirkung grüner Investments (eher) überzeugt since.

“I think that the vast majority of investors and the uninterested partners, extending over half of the investments, can become the fundamental of investments in sustainable sectors. The power must change, the enormous capital pool, the sustainable transformation in the coming years and years hereby ordered, common votes to be able to”, says the Pangaea-Life-Geschäftsführer. “Dennoch führt uns das Gegebnis vor Augen, dass wir als Branche noch veld Aufklärungsarbeit for our haben and bislang nur bedingt olgreich therein, Funktion and Nutzen nachhaltiger Investments zu vermitteln. Der Finanzbildung – auch und gerade of the Vermittlerschaft – kommt in Zukunft nor more deutung zu. Zuletzt liegt es ans Produktgebern Vorfälle, die das Vertrauen in nachhaltige Product erodieren lassen, with maximal Transparenz vorzubeugen.”

Opportunity for proactive action: Always prüfen ihre Investments regularly

Results, who desires transparency and a fully visible effect, let a clear recommendation be recognized. It is often the case that these aspects are the first after developing products and strategies. Is it often possible that someone invests in your investments at all? I want to understand the study of the foundation and break the whole history, the possibilities of a money scheme painting, then, as important as it is to achieve better security, yield, sustainability and flexibility in the future.

It is very important: more than half of the time is worth analyzing, most of the money (34%) or longer (21%). Only 13% deal with my investment separations less than once a year. 21% always carry out a yearly check. The interest in personal money matters and the demands of a proactive response are greater than those of Daniel Regensburger: “The esteem, if I can say that I have a problem, it is not so hour Haltbar. If you recognize more people, there is a world of walking that is affected by regularly making critical analyses of the hinterfraction that is in a favorable location, a knowledge and knowledge with the right background, analysis and empirical orientation on your geben.”

The combined study can be found here for free download:


Pangea Life

Pangea Life is one of the sustainable investments that specializes in investment managers and a number of other investments worldwide. The Marke was in the year 2017 during the Versicherungsgruppe of the Bavarian with the Soul-founded, Yield and consistent Sustainability to unite. If Pangea Life has an active two-fund, it can invest money from the areas of new energy (Blue Energy) and sustainable housing (Blue Living). The Blue Energy Fund has acquired a fund volume of 537 million euros and can receive a flow-through of 8.5 percent on loan. The Blue Living Fund has acquired a fund volume of 168 million euros and we have a continuous, annual gross yield of 7.7 percent on (jewels gross yield; Status 30.06.2024). Both funds invest exclusively in facilities that meet ecological, social and ethical standards and can offer a high degree of transparency.

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Original content from: de Bavarian, übermittelt durch news current
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